Wrap Your Head Around It

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Derek couldn't believe he had homicidal thoughts while he was asleep He could never remember his dreams but he didn't think they were that bad. "I understand you can't wrap your head around this", David began, "And that's perfectly understandable. I can't really think why I thought about it". "I could have killed anyone", Derek said, "I could have killed my siblings or Elle or Gary. Oh my God". David knew Derek was getting distressed. "Let's take a few deep breaths", he said, "Tell me if you want to stop. We could pick this up again sometime in the future and it's okay if you never want to talk to me again ". Derek shook his head as he bit his index finger, "No", he said, "I've avoided talking my whole life. I have done something horrible and I need to try and understand it". David nodded, "Okay, it's your call. Would you like to delve deeper?". Derek nodded, "Yes". David took a deep breath, "Alright then. Can you remember any recent nightmares you've had or?". "I had one a couple of months ago", Derek began, "I was in the middle of this mall on my own and I was lost. I was maybe about 5 in the nightmare or whatever and I was looking up at all the people to ask for help but they had no faces. They were like blurred or all scratched out. It was weird. I don't know why but that one had always stuck with me". David nodded, "Can you remember how this ended or?". Derek tried to think back, "I don't think anyone helped me. I just lay on the floor while everyone walked around me. Not really a nightmare but oh well". "That's a very interesting concept", David said, "Since you were in a stable household maybe these were thoughts of fear of abandonment?". "Maybe", Derek said, "I really feel like I'm losing my mind". David saw Norman looking through the window. "I guess our time is up", David said, "If you want to talk again, here is my card and please tell Norman. It was a pleasure meeting you today Derek". David stood up and held his hand out for Derek to shake. Derek felt a bit more at peace with himself and he shook David's hand. David left the room and watched 4 officers go in and get Derek and transport him back to his cell. He felt sorry for the teen. No one should be in cuffs that young. 

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