Brain Drain

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Derek got back up to his feet and stood in front of Norman, Patricia, and Dale who stood there with shock on their faces. "I'm going to make a call", Norman said, leaving Patricia and Dale to deal with Derek who was decompressing from the episode. Norman got his phone out and went into his contacts. He scrolled down and then found the person he was after; Dr David Greene. Norman and David had been friends since high school and David had a very famous patient; bassist and vocalist for the band Devils Disciples, Danny Vorjeg. Norman dialled the number and as his phone rang his pinched the bridge of his nose. Norman knew the kid was carrying some heavy baggage and wanted to try and let some of the weight off. Norman sighed, David never rushed to the phone. 

David sat in his living room reading, 'The Green Mile'. As he turned onto a new page his phone started ringing. David got his phone off the glass coffee table and he turned the corner of the page he was on and looked at who was trying to reach him. David's brown eyes focused and saw it was his friend Norman and he answered. "Hello stranger", David answered warmly, "How are you? Long time no speak". "Yeah", Norman said, "Sorry I and Stella couldn't make your barbecue. A bad case of the flu". "Don't sweat it", David said, putting his book on the coffee table and stood up. He ran his hand through his greying shirt, brown hair. "So, what brings your call?", David asked. "Well", Norman began, "I rang you just on an off chance you were around. I have this kid in and he has a lot of issues". David nodded, taking all the current information in, "So, I'm guessing you want me to come down and have a chat with the patient?". "If you would be so kindly", Norman said, "Only if you're free of course". David wandered to his diary to check, he had an appointment in an hour, but he was free tomorrow morning at 10. "Can the person hang on until tomorrow?", David asked, crossing his fingers. Norman sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I'll put him on suicide watch", Norman said and that gave David all the information he needed. "You will be the top priority", David promised, "You will see me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 10 tomorrow". The two friends said goodbye to each other and Norman sighed; he hoped Derek would be able to hold on until the professional could split hi mind open and lay it in front of him. 

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