Setting Sun

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A fifteen-year-old Derek Street-Houser stood outside his former home that was hell. The three-story house that was now breaking down and boarded up was set to be demolished next month. The police were done with it and there had been a petition to get it knocked down as it showed a bad representation of the town. Derek had spent eight years in the house and he never had the nerve to run away. He wondered how the other kids were, he was the only one that had stayed in the area. The teenager with dark brown hair and sad brown eyes closed his eyes and walked away from the building. Two kids that were riding bikes stared at him as he walked away; They whispered to each other about the tales they knew about the house. "He was one of the original's", the kid on his bike said as Derek passed by. Derek was used to it, everyone knew him and the other seven kids. It didn't bother him that much, but his mind loved to reminisce about the torture they all received. He looked down at his arm, he had a long scar running up his arm from where he was hung with barbed wire on the barrister of the stairs. He shook it off. He looked at the house once more, before turning on the corner.

Derek got home as his foster mom, Elle, was serving up her family's dinner. Derek took his seat next to the five-year-old, Mckenzie. "Where were you?", the five-year-old asked with big blue eyes and brown hair. "I just went for a walk", Derek said as Elle served the french fries and burgers. The other four members of the family took their seats; ten-year-old Angel, eleven-year-old Lila and the thirty-nine-year-old Gary took thier respective chairs. Derek picked at his food, he ate the fries but he had traumatic experiences with burgers and decided not to eat it. "Oh god, I'm sorry", Elle said, covering her mouth with her hand, "I forgot". Derek gave a small smile, "It's okay", he said, "But the fries were really good". The rest of the family ate all the food while listening to a story Lila was telling about a nasty burger at school. "It was all mouldy and Jim ate it!", she said in disgust. Derek gave Gary a look and he nodded; They knew when Derek wanted to leave. It was the last day of summer and he would be starting school tomorrow. He decided to go to bed early to try get some sleep. He hoped this fresh start at a new school would be just what he needed to forget. 

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