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Norman watched Derek hang his head as he was transported back to his holding cell. He sighed as David packed his bag up and headed out of the room. "So", Norman began, biting his lip, "How did it go?". David gave a small smile, "He is a great boy, he just didn't have the nurturing he required. I really did feel for him". Norman nodded, "It's definitely a really disturbing crime. It really got to me", he admitted, "Thanks for coming in". David smiled, "I wouldn't mind meeting up with him again if needed", David said, "I think he started to open up to me at the end". "I didn't mean to interrupt the session", Norman apologized, "I was just peeking in". "It's fine, it left us on a good point to come back to if I was ever called back". "Thanks for coming in again", Norman said, holding his hand out and David shook it. "Let's meet up again, but under different circumstances", David said, walking away and exiting the police station. Norman breathed a sigh of relief. He now had to see if he and his team had enough evidence to charge Derek. It was now time to get to the results. 

Once Derek was back in his cell, he went to bed. He still couldn't believe what he had done and it made him hate himself that he was actually capable of taking another human beings life. While dwelling in self-hatred, he wondered how his friends were getting on that were also from Marlene's. He often thought about a kid who was a couple of years younger than Derek, Oscar. Oscar had been 4 when he arrived at Marlene's. Derek remembered the exact moment Oscar learned the truth about everything; he saw an older kid whose name escaped Derek get whipped as Marlene had found his report card and she whipped him. Derek could even remember the sound of the whip. He never got whipped himself, but he heard people get whipped and the sound of it was absolutely awful. His train of thought was interrupted when the door started to open again. Derek stood up and let the officers cuff his hands. He was walked to the desk where Norman was standing. "Derek Anthony Street-Houser. You are charged with 8 counts of murder. You will be held at 4 Heathers Juvenile Detention for the time being", Norman said, "Goodbye". Derek knew he was going to get charged. He hung his head and nodded. This was the end of his future.

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