Therapeutic Screaming

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Derek sat on a tree stump for a while, just processing everything. He let out a few more screams and decided to start walking back towards his house. Derek could already Marlene's stupid claws starting to wrap around his throat, suffocating him. Derek started to run and finally saw the house; The safe place. Derek got in and slammed the front door. "It's not real", Derek repeated, "It's not real". He sat in the fetal position in his room for an hour. He didn't hear Gary come home and wondered where he was. Derek ventured out his room to find the phone to call Gary; He was scared. Derek crept down and found the home phone and dialled Gary's number. It rang a couple of times before the safe, warm voice of Gary hit Derek's eardrums. "Hello?", Gary answered, unsure of who the number was. "Hey", Derek said, trying to sound casual, "Elle said you would be back soon, you okay?". "Oh crap yeah", Gary said, "I forgot to text her, I'm at the supermarket picking up groceries. It's busy as hell here though, so I'll be like another hour". These were not the words Derek wanted to hear. "Alright", Derek said, "I'll see you soon then". Gary hung up and Derek started hyperventilating. "Come to mommy", echoed in Derek's ears in Marlene's evil voice. He couldn't escape. 

When Gary returned home with the family's much-needed groceries, he opened the door and found Derek on the floor. "Oh shit", Gary said, dropping everything and rushing t where Derek was. "Derek", Gary said, "Derek buddy, can you hear me?". Derek stirred a bit but Gary had no idea what to do. He grabbed his phone and dialled 999. "999 what is your emergency and what service do you require?", the operator asked. "I need an ambulance!", Gary shouted, "47 Grover Terrace, Listerburn. My son is unresponsive". Gary threw his phone down and left it on speaker. He held Derek in his arms as he waited for the ambulance. "God", Gary pleaded, "If your there, please don't take him". He couldn't wait for the ambulance and Gary picked Derek up and started running up the cul-de-sac with Derek in his arms, hoping he would encounter the ambulance on the way. Gary would go to hell and back for the kid. He hoped God was on his side. 

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