Manic Panic

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Elle and Gary found the note Derek had left and currently in a state of panic. Gary had kept calling Derek but he wouldn't pick up. "Oh my God", Elle cried, "Gary what are we going to do?". Gary kept his tears in, "I'll report him as missing", he said. Elle nodded, she grabbed her phone and dialled 911. "911 what is your emergency?", the female operator asked. "Our son is missing", Elle said as coherently as possible. "What is your son's name?", the female operator asked. "Derek", Elle answered, "Derek Street-Houser". "What age is your son?", the operator asked as she got some officers en route to Elle and Gary. "Fifteen", Elle answered, but she was getting more upset. "Some officers are on their way", the female officer said. Elle cried into Gary and Gary tried to soothe his wife. This was the beginning of their rollercoaster. 

Derek was quiet the whole time for the duration of the journey. "Your parents have been mighty worried about you", The officer said, trying to make small talk". "I left them a now", Derek mumbled as the officer pulled into the police station. Derek felt like his hands were on fire as he looked out the window. "Since your under 18 we have to wait for your parents to come", the officer said, getting out of the car. Derek has led out of the car and led into reception, waiting for Gary and Elle. He looked down at his shoes and wondered what the rest of his life was going to look like behind bars. He had killed 8 women for no apparent reason. He sighed and started hitting the back of his head off the cinder block walls painted white. Derek looked up and saw the two faces he really needed to see; Gary and Elle. "Oh my God", Elle said, running and embracing Derek. Gary put his hands over his head and then joined in on the hug. "Where are the little kids?", Derek asked, "Mckenzie, Angel, and Lila?". "There at Gary's mom's", Elle said. Derek started to mentally breakdown again, "I need them to arrest me", Derek said. "Why?", Gary asked, "You have done nothing wrong. I don't believe what you said in that note". Derek held up his shaky left hand and showed Elle and Gary the wound he had sustained; The woman had stabbed his hand with a knife. "I'm evil", he said. 

My Dreams Aren't NiceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon