Thick Of It

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David woke up bright and early at 7. He awoke to the sound of birds singing which was the alarm on his phone. He had a 2-hour journey to get to Norman's place of work. It had been a while since David had travelled to Norman's part of the state and he needed to help his friend with the case and catch up with his friend. His wife, Stella had already left for work an hour earlier. David grabbed a pen and a pink post-it note to let her know where he was if he was back later than she expected. David went into the en-suite bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He slapped his cheeks and sighed, grabbing the electric razor from the side of the sink and started cutting the brown stubble that had grown on his face overnight. He styled his messy brown hair and slicked it back and put contacts into his brown eyes. David then got dressed into a casual, white dress shirt, grey suit pants and brown dress shoes on his feet. "Right", David said, grabbing his bag and checked to make sure he had his diary, three pens (two spares in case one ran out), and his notepad. David then made some toast in the kitchen and left for the police station. It was going to be an interesting day. 

Derek was woken up at 9 by two guards opening the steel door. "Good morning", the taller guard said while the other one with tattoo sleeves on her arms gave Derek his breakfast; a small box of Coco Pops, milk, a banana and a small bottle of Tropicana orange juice. "Thanks", Derek said, pulling the plastic bowl towards him and tipping the milk into the bowl first and then the Coco Pops. He mixed the two together with the plastic spoon and ate them in silence while the two officers stayed outside the door. He finished the cereal in a matter of minutes and moved onto the banana and orange juice. He felt a bit better after eating and wondered what was going to happen to him today. Was he going to be charged, or let go? Derek would have never guessed who was coming to see him. 

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