Real Deal

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Derek had been to see a couple of therapists after the whole ordeal happened, but none of them really helped. Derek had a different feeling about David, he didn't really know what made him different, but Derek knew he had a different aura about him. David crossed his leg as he took a deep breath to prepare for more heavy questions. "So Derek", He began, "What do you think triggered you to kill these women?". Derek shrugged, "I don't know, if I knew I'd tell the police". David nodded, "Let me go down a little rabbit hole here. Have you had any nightmares recently or any traumatic experiences?". Derek thought back to seeing the apparition of Marlene shortly after the trial was announced. "I saw her", he murmured, "I saw this vision of her and she basically broke me down", he said. David wrote this information down, "Did Marlene talk to you for long or was it just quick encounters?". "We just got into arguments and when I thought I was winning she'd disappear", Derek explained, "I really sound insane". David gave a comforting smile, "I think all of us have a screw loose". "I don't know", Derek said, "I killed all those innocent women that did absolutely nothing to me". "I have a theory and I will share it with Norman", David said, "I think you had those nightmares and you just found women that had blonde hair and killed them because they looked like Marlene". It all clicked when David said that to Derek; the women he killed all did have blonde hair and Derek shuddered when he saw their pictures when they were on the news the next morning. "Oh God", Derek said, throwing his head into his hands, "It was my subconscious". David nodded, "If my suspicion is correct, yes". Derek shook his head, he couldn't believe it; he was a killer in his sleep. 

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