Problems with Parenting (Ep 24)

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"So, you helped a thief?!" Pam questioned Hannah in complete shock.

"Mom, I didn't know that, and it was three days ago," Hannah said. "They said I'm innocent."

"That's good," Walter said. The Huntail walked inside the house with her parents where Flora was sitting on the couch with a sleepy Amy.

"Hey," Flora said quietly so to not to wake up her daughter.

"Hi, sweetie," Pam said. "How's Amy?"

"She tired herself out." Just like that, the Popplio passed out leaning against her mother's shoulder. "Oop, there she goes." The Gorebyss carefully picked Amy up and carried her to her bed.

"You're growing up so fast," Pam said to her daughter.

Flora tucked Amy in and quietly closed the door. "Thanks, mom. But I'm a little nervous if she does something wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like punishments. Say she breaks a rule she doesn't know about..."

"Yeah, I'm going to stop you right there," Walter said. "You're doing great. We've still got some work to do for the wedding."

"We'll see you tomorrow," Pam said. She and Walter left the house as Shawn walked up to his fiancee.

"You want to talk?" Shawn asked.

"I just... Want to be a good mother," Flora explained. "Amy's just a kid and she's bound to do something wrong and she might not know it."

"Explain," Hannah said.

"Say she took something like a toy and didn't pay for it and she knew it."

"That doesn't sound like Amy would do."

"I can't help it."

"Look, Flora, I can deal with her if she misbehaves," Shawn said. "Let's just get some sleep."

"Okay." The Gorebyss walked to her bedroom with her fiance as Hannah crept into her bedroom. The Huntail shared her room with Amy, who was sleeping like a baby. The Popplio was starting to toss and turn which grabbed Hannah's attention.

"Ma... Mommy," Amy cried.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Hannah asked. The Popplio woke and hugged her aunt. "You had a bad dream?"

Amy nodded. "Where's mommy?"

"She going to bed. Like you should." The Huntail was about to climb into her bed but she couldn't look away from her niece. "You want to sleep with me tonight?" Amy stood up and dragged her pillow with her and wait for her aunt. Hannah climbed on her bed and hugged the Popplio as they both fell asleep.


Amy slowly woke up to find Hannah carrying her to the kitchen. She set the Popplio at the table and got her a glass of milk. "Morning," the Huntail said. "You slept well." She placed a straw in the glass and Amy started drinking. The Popplio breathed into her straw and saw she could blow bubbles, which she enjoyed.

The bubbling woke Crystal up who looked to see the bubbles were nearly overflowing over the brim of the glass. "Amy, could you stop that?" the Milotic asked.

"Why?" Amy asked.

"You're going to spill."

"No, she won't," Hannah protested. The Huntail would be proved wrong as Amy pulled her straw back and knocked her glass over. The milk spilled out onto the table and the floor. The glass rolled off the table and shattered when it hit the ground.

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