Couple Concerns (Ep 8)

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Reginald drove Wendy, Lilly, Jenny, and Jenny's mother, Rebecca, to the Brass City gym. "Okay," Wendy said, "I understand why the three of us are here, but why is Ms. Price here?"

"I'm here to talk to the gym leader, Sylvia," Rebecca replied. "She called me over here because she wanted to show me something.

When they got the gym, Lilly ran inside excitedly, with her friends following her behind. Inside the gym, there was a battle arena, along with some bleacher for a crowd to watch. A Mawile Pokemorph walked into the room wearing a violet leotard. Like Lilly, she had short black hair that reached her shoulders, with her bangs covering her right eye.

"Uh, hello," Wendy said. "Do you work here at the gym?"

"Oh, no," the Mawile said sarcastically, "I just like walking around here, wearing leotards... Of course, I work here."

"Well, that just sounded rude."

"This is a steel type gym. I'm a steel type."

"But so is Skarmory, and Bronzong, and the Klink line. I was just asking you a question."

"Sorry about her," said a deep male voice. They looked an saw a rather tubby Aggron. He looked about 6'10", and wore an Olympic blue leotard. "Welcome to the Flint Gym. My name is Eric, and I see you already met Millie."

"Nice to meet you, Eric," Lilly said shaking his hand. She noticed that Eric only seemed to have four digits. "So, uh... ...Eric, how long have you been affected by this virus?"

"About three days. Sylvia and I have gotten a pretty strong bond."

"I don't see why you like this," Millie said. "I don't even know what these chest things are for."

"You want to tell her, or should I?" Jenny whispered to her mother.

"She looks closer to your age," Rebecca replied.

"I mean these are small," Millie groaned, "But still, they're really annoying."

"Rebecca," said a female voice, "I'm glad you could make it." The voice came from an Aegislash Pokemorph. She looked as tall as Rebecca, about 5'7", and she wore a golden leotard. Her hair was half black and half purple and was tied into a ponytail, and she had an Aegislash shield resting on her back. Her legs now looking like the dual-sided blades, and her arms now looked like black cloth and flatter.

"Sylvia," Rebecca said, "You're looking great."

"Thanks," Sylvia replied. "I have to say, it's pretty weird having only one eye. But the reason why I've wanted to get in contact with you, because of my legs. They act like real swords, and their a nightmare when I'm putting on clothes."

"I can relate to that," Lilly said.

"Why is this so important," Millie asked. "Eric and I were fine before you went and got us some clothes."

"Okay, I feel like we should have a talk," Jenny said.

"Anyways," Rebecca said, "Sylvia, I think I can get some special stockings made for you."

"That would be nice," Sylvia replied. "Maybe something like a sheath." The women walked off, while Jenny turned to Eric.

"So, Eric," Jenny said, "Are the leotards for the gym battles?"

"Yep," Eric replied. "Sylvia said that these would give maximum mobility, and they're pretty comfy. So, why are you and your friends here?"

"We're here to test our move," Lilly said.

"So, you're here for a battle," Millie asked a bit more interested.

"Yeah. Since we're Pokemorphs we..."

"Why didn't you say so?" Millie sounded more excited as she ran onto the battlefield. "Who's first."

Lilly thought for a moment. "How about you and Jenny," Wendy said.

"Really?" Lilly questioned a bit confused.

"Lilly, you're a fire type. Plus, Jenny's learned High Jump Kick. You'll have a huge advantage."

"You've got a point. Come on, Jen." The Larvesta and Lopunny stepped onto the field, as Eric stepped next to Millie. Wendy sat down in the bleachers, along with Reginald who following them inside.

"Alright," Mille said cracking her knuckles. "Let's go." The second the battle started, Millie darted around the area to confuse the two opponents. Before she could use Iron Head on Jenny, the Lopunny jumped out of the way and used pounce on the Mawile. Lilly used Ember on Eric, but it didn't seem to do much.

After using Iron Defence, Eric slammed Iron Tail into Lilly, sending her back several feet. "Oh, shoot," Wendy said to herself, "I forgot, he's part rock type." Even with the typing disadvantage, Lilly still tried to take Eric down with Take Down.

"I like your spirit," Eric said to Lilly. "But I think you might not win this."

"That's what you think," Lilly replied. She used absorb to take some of Eric's health, but not much.

Jenny, on the other hand, was having an easy time with Millie. "Stop jumping around," Millie fumed.

"I'm Lopunny," Jenny replied bouncing off Millie's head. "It's what I do best."

The Mawile's rage was filling up fast. "Alright, then. Let's play rough." At that's what Millie did, she used Play Rough. Jenny quickly retaliated with High Jump Kick, but Millie countered it with Iron Head. Surprising, Millie knocked Jenny back, the Lopunny rolled off the battle area.

"Hey, are you okay?" a young teenage voice. Jenny looked up and saw a Lucario Pokemorph. He had black hair with an indigo streak in it. He also wore black glasses, a red t-shirt with a hole cut for his chest spike, and tan shorts. The Lucario helped Jenny up, and the Lopunny was awestruck.

"Hey, kid, you okay?" Eric asked.

"I'm fine," Jenny replied. The Lucario walked away, but Jenny couldn't take her eyes off of him. "Hey, Eric, who was that Lucario?"

"Oh, him? That's Sylvia's son, Jake Flint." Jenny looked back over to Jake as he left the room.

"Good to know."

"So, are you going to resume battling, or not?" Millie asked.

"Uh, right." Jenny shook her head and ran towards the Mawile using Quick Attack.

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