A Shady Guest (Ep 17)

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Wyatt and Emily were hanging out with Bailey and her friends, Annie, Liz, and Sarah at the park. Wyatt was boasting about how he beat a certain Zoroark. "Wow, Wyatt," Annie said, "You sounds so brave."

"Yeah, having an army to help pull your weight," Emily said sarcastically.

"He beat a dark type," Bailey said, "Not to mention a ghost."

"Emily, how did Wyatt beat them?" Liz asked a little suspiciously.

"He gathered some Pokemorph to help him take them down," Emily explained.

"Yeah, that sounds logical."

"Come on, sis," Wyatt said, "Why do you have to ruin my fame?"

"Because Francesca isn't the only one who's annoyed by your ego," Emily explained.

"Look, I have to do something to stand out. All my friends are girls. No offense."

"Some taken," Bailey said.

"So, you girls want to see my new dance?" Sarah asked.

"Sure," they said. Sarah walked away a few feet from her friends. She started twirling around as petals spun around her. She jumped around as the petal flew towards the sky and she struck a pose. The girls clapped for their friend's dance.

"That's was amazing," Liz said.

"Yeah," Emily said. "Why aren't you in ballet with your sister?"

"I don't know," Sarah replied. "Ballet just doesn't seem to catch my eye."

"Well, I've been wanting to sign up myself for a while, but the scientists as Price Production's lab have other ideas. But, I'm sighing up now."

"Kids, I'm back," Martha said walking back with some bagged lunches. The kid followed the Roserade over to park picnic area as Martha took out their lunches.

"Sweet," Bailey said as she grabbed her burger, "I'm starving." The Butterfree bit into her burger as Martha gave the girls and Wyatt their lunches.

"How can someone eat something with this much grease?" Wyatt questioned as the grease dripped from his burger.

"Come on, "Rusty Rex" is a great restaurant."

"You have to admit," Emily said, "I don't think this amount of grease is healthy."

"It's not that bad," Liz said. "My family goes there often when mom doesn't have time to cook."

"Speak of your family, how's Angie?"

"She's doing good. She's like an aunt to me and my siblings."

Wyatt stopped listening to the girl's conversation and began thinking to himself. "Why do I just hang around girls?" he thought. "I mean, they dress nice, they like cute things, they're not that bad, but I think I need to be around someone like me."

Bailey had finished her burger in about three minutes. She was going to have the fries, but they were gone. "Hey, where'd my fries go?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.

"My fries were right here, and now they're not. Liz, what did you do?"

"Why are you accusing me?" Liz asked.

"Well, you probably were desperate because of all your brothers."

"Hey, I have my own fries."


Liz looked to her left to see the fries were gone. "Where'd they go?"

The two girls argued as Emily listen to hear some munching. She looked under the table to see a Purrloin. He appeared to have shaggy black hair, a beige shirt with a torn right sleeve and looked to be around ten years old. "What are you doing?" Emily asked.

The Purrlion could see he was caught and tried to run off. Bailey gave chase however and tackled him to the ground. "What did you do?" Bailey questioned.

"Hey," Purrloin cried as he tried to get Bailey off of him. "I was hungry."

"Bailey, let him speak," Liz said as she pulled the Butterfree off. "What's your name?"

"I don't have one." Purrloin got up and brushed himself off, the girls could see he only had four digit hands.

"I can see why," Emily said showing the wild Pokemorph her hands.

"You know," Wyatt said walking over to the Purrloin, "There is a Pokemorph Protection Program."

"Well, I don't trust them," Purrloin replied.

"Why not?" Martha asked. "My wife helps run it, and she's very nice."

Purrloin just simply crossed his arms and his stomach growled. Annie grabbed her burger and handed it over to him. "I think you need this more than me," Annie said. Purrloin snatched the burger from her hand and scarfed it down.

"Take it easy, you don't wanna choke."

"Maybe we should take him to one of our houses," Liz said.

"Like yours?" Bailey asked.

"No way, mom says there are enough people living under that roof."

"Understandable," Martha said. "You could stay with us Purrloin."

"No, too many girls," Purrloin said.

"What about my place?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm listening."

"Well, our place is big enough for one-twentieth of the city to be in. Plus, I'm there too and there's some food that can be cooked at any time."

"Alright, I'm there."

"But, wait," Emily said, "What about Bailey's house?"

"Who cares let's go," Purrloin cheered as he followed Wyatt to the limo.

"Should we follow them?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe we should," Martha said. "Flora said she needed help with her friend's wedding designs." The girls followed the boys to the vehicles as Emily began to ponder.

"Hey, Annie, look," Sarah said pointing to the sky, "It's your mom."

Paulene the Pidgeot was flying over the park in her diamond blue delivery uniform and goggles. She wore specially made backpack made to carry lightweight weight packages. She looked down to see her daughter waving at her, she would've waved back but she needed her to keep flapping to fly. Paulene was taken by surprise when a Swanna Pokemorph nearly collided with her.

"Oh, sorry," Paulene apologized, "I was distracted."

"Oh, it's no problem," said the Swanna, "So, was I." The two bird Pokemorphs flew in opposite directions and the Swanna looked down at the limo which drove off towards the Price's mansion.

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