Coping with Change (Ep: 7)

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Wendy slowly woke up the next day to see Bailey was already up and sulking. "Good morning," the Butterfree said with a bit of attitude.

"Before you say anything," Wendy spoke, "What happened yesterday was your fault." She didn't say anything else and walked out of the room. Walking to the kitchen, she found her mother just waking up and making coffee.

"Oh, Wendy," the Leavanny said with a yawn. "You're already awake."

"Morning. Mom, when did you wake up?"

"You were up at the same time as I am." Lisa rubbed her eyes as she poured herself some coffee. "What can I cook for you?"

"I'll just have some cereal." Wendy went to get her breakfast as Lisa got her breakfast made as well. Just then, Fred started waking up, he could see his wife and daughter already cleaning up.

"Oh, sorry, Freddy," Lisa apologized. "I didn't know when you would wake up."

"No, I like to sleep in," the Flygon responded. "I'll just microwave some leftovers." Wendy walked back upstairs to go to the bathroom and heard her phone ringing.

However, Bailey got to it first. "Hello?" the Butterfree answered.

"You're not Wendy," said the caller.

"Who is this?" Bailey was given a shock from Wendy, who took her phone back.

"Sorry about that," the Joltik said, "Who's this?"

"It's Cleo," the caller answered. "Jenny and the twins told me about the families that transformed. I thought they would like becoming Pokemon."

"They would if they didn't change gender." She took her phone with her and put it on speaker mode as she did her morning routine.

"Yeah... I guess that wouldn't be so fun. Though I heard Becky say that this virus may change how jobs will work. Jenny said we'd go around the city and check on different jobs. You wanna join in?"

Wendy spat in the sink. "Sorry, I think my mom plans on having me tag along to help with her friends."

"Oh, okay. We'll let you know if we see anything you should know. Bye." Cleo hung up, leaving Wendy to finish her routine.

After she got dressed, the Joltik walked downstairs to find her parents had gotten dressed. "Hi, sweetie," Lisa said, "You want to go with us?"

"Sure. Why not?" the Joltik replied.

"Let's go," Fred said. "Belle, Derek!"

"We know what to do dad," Belle replied.

"Great." The Flygon, Levanny, and Joltik all walked out to their car and drove out of the driveway. "Where do we go first?"

"I think the Weston's are the closest." Fred drove off to the said household.

Once they got there, they thought they saw something from the backyard. After getting out of the car, they could see it was actually Paulene trying to fly. The Pidgeot suddenly lost control and crash-landed into the Pines couple. "Oh, gosh," Paulene gasped, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Fred said. "I had trouble flying too."

"I thought this would be easy. Annie's having trouble too." Paulene led the three of them to the backyard where Annie was getting a foot off the ground. "You're doing great, sweetheart." The Fletchling landed as she walked over to Fred and Lisa.

"Where's Bailey?" Annie asked. "She's flown before."

"She's grounded at the moment," Wendy explained.

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