Make a Splash (Ep: 4)

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One day at the Burns's house, Debbie had changed into her new swimsuit, which was a gray one-piece. She was waiting for her sister to come out of the bathroom. "Come on, sis," Debbie said.

"Do I really have to wear this?" Lilly asked from inside the bathroom.

"Cleo said you would look cute in it."

"She used to walk on all fours, naked. I'm not sure if I should trust her with clothing."

"Lilly, I don't want to keep the other's waiting."

"Alright, fine." Lilly stepped out of the bathroom in her new golden bikini. "Explain why she couldn't give me a one piece."

"It's your bug abdomen. This fits you better." Lilly just crossed her arms as Jenny's limo pulled up outside.

"They're here." The two ran outside and stepped inside of the limo. "Hey, girls, what do you think about my swimsuit?"

"It looks great," Cleo commented. "Though, I would've gone with another color."

"Could you have given me something that covers more of my body?" Lilly questioned.

"Hey, that color looks good on you." Lilly could see that Cleo had gotten a green triangular and side tail two-piece swimsuit. Jenny meanwhile had a had got a gold haler and high waist two-piece. Emily and Wyatt were also in the limo, they were wearing a tankini and skirted swimsuit and navy blue swim trunks, respectively.

"Hey, where's Wendy?"

"She said she was getting a ride from Alice and her mother," Emily said.

"Alright. I wonder how she's doing?"

Meanwhile, Wendy was sitting next to Phoebe as Della Jones drove them and Alice to the beach. The little Joltik wore a blue class tank swimsuit with a wave painted on it, Phoebe had an emerald green coastal swimsuit. Della and Alice wore matching violet strapless swimsuits. "So, mom," Alice said, still feeling a bit weird about the whole becoming a mother thing, "How do you feel?"

"Pretty good," Della replied. "This swimsuit feels pretty comfy."

"You're taking this pretty well," Wendy said.

"Debbie said she didn't mind her change," Phoebe said. "Minus the loss of hands."

"Still don't see how she can handle this."

"You mean the future teacher?"

"Of course. I can't find a way to get over this."

"Don't you have your friends to help you calm down?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, but... Still." They soon arrived at the beach, and Della took out the supplies from the trunk.

"There doesn't seem to be many people here," Alice said.

"Probably because of us," Wendy said.

"Come on, it can't be that. Let's just get set while we wait for the others." The beach had what any beach would have, tan colored sand, a flag to warn beachgoers if there was any danger on the beach, and a lifeguard chair and tower. Della set down some towels on the sand as well as an umbrella to block out the sun.

"There we go," Della said as she lied down under the umbrella.

"Yep, this is the life," Phoebe said as she lied down the towel next to Della. Alice and Wendy walked out toward the waves, but Della called out to her daughter.

"Alice, wait, you forgot your sunscreen."

"Mom," Alice groaned, "I put that on before we left the house."

"Uh... Right. Nevermind." Alice rolled her eyes and she and Wendy resumed heading into the water as Della rubbed her nose.

"Excuse me," said a voice which grabbed her attention. She saw a redheaded lifeguard in a red one-piece standing at 5'3" and her hair reaching her shoulders. "Hello," she said, "My name is Hannah Fisher."

"Nice to meet you," Della replied. "My name is Della Jones. What do you want?"

"Well, the only ones who are in the water are an Abra and Joltik. The first of which I'm sure is your daughter. So, I want to know about this change. Since you're a Pokemon I just wanted to know, what's it like?"

"Odd, to say the least. First of all, I used to be male."

"That's what I heard one of the changes is. Can you use any attacks?"

"Well, the only move my daughter and I used so far is psychic and teleport. Though teleport uses a lot of energy, and we seem to lift only one thing at a time." As they two continued talking until Jenny's limo pulled up and the girls and Wyatt stepped out.

"We'll call you when we need to be picked up," Jenny said to Reginald.

"Of course, Ms. Price," the Dragonite replied. "I'll be at the lab in the meantime." And he drove away.

"Should we really have him be the test subject?" Debbie asked.

"Hey, he was the one who volunteered," Wyatt said. "Besides, if he didn't, we'd be at the lab and not at the beach. Better him than us."

Emily looked at the bug sisters, "You have no idea how I can tolerate Wyatt," she groaned deadpanned.

"Hey, I see Wendy," Lilly said. She walked down the beach to her friend. "Wendy!"

"Lilly," Wendy replied. The two high fived each other and Lilly joined in on swimming with her friends.

"Wow," Hannah said as she looked at the other pokemon girls. "I didn't know there was that many."

"There are also some at the Price's mansion," Della said. "If you're asking me some question, can I ask you one? Since this virus may be unavoidable, what Pokemon do you think you'll become?"

"I'm not sure, I just hope it's a water type. Imagine how fast my rescues could be."

"It would be really efficient." Debbie meanwhile, wandered around the beach until she found some rocks along the shore.

"Perfect," she cheered. She sat down next to one of the rocks and started carving it.

"What are you doing?" Jenny asked.

"Since I'm a Dwebble, I might as well have a little rock on my tail. It doesn't have to be as big as me, but still, it would be nice to have one." Debbie continued to carve into the rock.

"Welp, you have fun. Me and my siblings... Jeez, that still sounds weird since they were my pets. ...Are going to play volleyball." Jenny walked away to where Cleo, Wyatt, and Emily were waiting for her by a volleyball net.

"There you are," Cleo said, "What took you?"

"I was checking on Debbie. She's making a rock for her tail."

"That's a Dwebble for you," Emily said.

"Yeah, whatever," Wyatt said, "Let's just play." The Meowstic hit the volleyball into the air, and Cleo started hitting back. The ball kept getting hit back and forth. Everyone had something to keep them occupied. Debbie quickly finished carving her rock into a cone shape about the half the size of her back.

"Perfect," Debbie cried. "I have to show the others." She quickly ran over back to her friends and showed her new shell to Phoebe, who just woke up from her nap. "Phoebe, take a look."

"Cool," Phoebe said. "Nice shell."

"I know, I..." Debbie stopped when she saw Hannah. "Um, hello," she said nervously.

"Hey," Hannah replied, "Nice to meet you. I'm Hannah."

"Hey, I'm... Debbie. Sorry, I'm kind of nervous around new people."

"You were fine when you met me and Alice," Phoebe said.

"That's... Because I thought you already were off to a good start with Jenny."

"Listen, I actually was looking forward to meeting you," Hannah said. "I think this kind of change is cool."

"Really? Well, I heard they're naming this virus, "The Pokemorph Virus." See, because we morphed into Pokemon..."

"I get it. Doesn't it feel weird to have pincers as hands?"

"Yeah, I have to admit, the loss of fingers is weird." As they continued to talk, Alice noticed something floating around in the water.

"Girls," Alice said as she slowly started to swim back to shore.

"What's the matter?" Lilly asked.

"I think we need to head back to land." Alice started to pick up the pace as Wendy and Lilly decided to follow her.


"Lilly, are you okay?" Wendy asked a bit concerned.

"Something just hurt my leg." She lifted her leg out of the water, revealing it had several scratches on it.

"Okay, shortcut," Alice cried. She quickly grabbed their shoulders and teleported to the shore as a fin poked out of the water. Hannah kept talking about what she thought of the virus, when Alice, Wendy, and Lilly teleported in. The young Abra wobbled on her feet until her mother caught from falling backward.

"You alright, Alice?" Della asked.

"Just still... Getting used to teleporting," Alice panted.

"I'm okay too if your wondering," Lilly said as she held her leg.

"Geez," Debbie cried, "What happened to you?"

"Something hit my leg in the water. Though it doesn't look that bad." Hannah looked at Lilly's leg and then at the water.

"Oh, boy," she sighed. "I need to tell the others." She quickly ran to the lifeguard station. The station was painted white with red lining and had three large windows facing towards the ocean with the middle window shaped being the widest, inside the station was a control panel with a sonar scanner. There were also a pump, liferafts, and lifesavers just in case somebody needed help. A woman in lifeguard one-piece that looked exactly like Hannah, apart from the long blonde ponytail ran into the room.

"Hannah, what's going on?" she asked.

"Something's wrong with the scanner," Hannah replied. "There's nothing on it."

"I'm on it."

"Thanks, Flora." Hannah quickly made a call from inside the station while Flora pulled out a dive ball. "Crystal, come on out." She threw the ball and released as Milotic with a collar on her. "Crystal, I need you to scout the area out." She gave her Milotic a hug and the Pokemon swam into the ocean. Crystal looked around the area, as her collar activated the sonar.

Flora walked back inside the station, "You see anything, sis?"

"Nothing yet. Sure hope Crystal's fine." Crystal swam pretty close to the ground as she looked around for what could've worried her trainer.

"Flora sound scared," she said to herself, though to human's ears all that could be heard was 'Milotic.' "I know she's nervous from time to time, but she sounds like she had something to worry about. Same for her sister." Crystal soon stopped when she heard something swim around her. Bracing herself she used Aqua Ring. Back on shore, Hannah and Flora could see a dot heading towards Crystal.

"She needs to get out of there," Flora cried. Crystal looked around and saw a Sharpedo heading towards her, quickly she used dragon tail and whacked the Sharpedo back. Due to Sharpedo's ability, however, Crystal's tail got a bit scratched up. The Sharpedo seemed to be swimming all over the place, the Milotic tried using Attract on the opposing Pokemon, but she might as well used Splash because it didn't do a thing.

Before she could use an attack, the Sharpedo rammed into her. The resulting ram cause Crystal's collar to fall off and the single was lost. "Oh no," Flora cried. She started to panic as Hannah tried to calm her down.

They soon heard a knock on the station's door, "Hannah, what's going on?" Della questioned from outside.

"Della, only lifeguards are allowed in here normally," Hannah replied. Flora looked out of the window and saw the Alakazam woman outside.

"Eep," Flora cried locking the door.

"This wouldn't happen to be your sister, would it?" Della asked.

"Sure is," Hannah replied as she unlocked the door and she and Flora stepped outside. "This is my twin sister, Flora. She's a bit shy." Hannah tried to get Flora to come out of hiding from behind her. "Flora, come on."

"Hannah, are you sure she can be trusted?" Flora whimpered.

"I talked to her earlier, she's harmless."

Flora slowly stepped out from behind her sister. "Well, I guess you look nice. But what about Crystal?"

"Who's Crystal?" Della asked.

"My Milotic. She's somewhere in the bottom of the ocean. I've had her since my tenth birthday."

"They're like sisters to each other," Hannah said. "But I think I know what made us loose connection with her. A Sharpedo." Della gasped at this. "We need to keep everyone out of the water until we take care of it."

"Then we have to warn the kids," Della said. The three quickly ran back towards the kids.

Lilly was lying down on Della's towel as her leg seemed to get better quickly. "How are you feeling," Wendy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lilly replied. "I was really looking forward to having fun on the beach. Wendy said she had so many fun thing we were going to do."

"What about me?"

"Yeah, I was planning on having with you. It's just... I want to help cheer her up. How can she still be upset after this." The girls noticed that the waves were getting more violent. Jenny and her siblings noticed this.

"Guys, I think we should get further from the water," Jenny said as she grabbed the ball.

"Come on," Wyatt groaned, "We were about to win."

"I'd rather be a loser than be a sinker," Emily said as she followed Jenny away from the water.

Wyatt crossed his arms but started to get nervous when the waves splashed him. "You know... On second thought. Wait for me!"

Alice and Wendy saw the water getting violent, they were also getting worried. "What's going on?" Alice questioned.

"I don't know," Wendy replied. "They said it would be a perfect day at the beach." They decided to head towards the parking lot, as Della and the lifeguard twins ran up to them.

"Aliceson," Della cried as she hugged her daughter. "Let's get you away from the water." They could see dark clouds forming above the ocean.

"I think that Sharpedo may be using Rain Dance," Flora said.

"Sharpedo?!" Wendy asked in shock. They soon got to safety in the parking lot, but Wendy noticed that her friends Lilly and Debbie were still out on the beach. "Girls." Lilly's leg was still too sore to stand on, and the water made the sand too soft for Debbie to stand on without her feet sinking into the ground.

Wendy was about to head out to get them, but Hannah stopped her. "Kid, it's not safe out there," Hannah said.

"It's okay," Della said, "I'll get them." She tried using psychic on the step-sisters, but since she had only been like this for about a day she could lift of them at a time. She managed to get Lilly into the lot, but before she could get to Debbie a giant wave swallowed her and took out to sea.

"DEBBIE!" Lilly and Wendy cried.

"Stay calm," Hannah said keeping the girls from going after Debbie. "Flora and I are lifeguards, we'll get your friend back." The lifeguard twins jumped into the water and swam to get the sinking Dwebble.

"Help!" Debbie cried as she struggled to stay afloat. "I can... *choke* I can't swim." Debbie started to lose consciousness as she sank deeper into the water, as Hannah and Flora swam to the rescue. Hannah picked Debbie up, but accidentally cut herself from Debbie's pincer. The girls saw the Sharpedo swimming around and quickly made their way back to shore, but the current pushed them back.

Flora shut her eyes as the Sharpedo missed her. Hannah held onto Debbie as she started to push against the current. The cut she got from Debbie seemed to heal itself as Hannah grabbed her sister's hand. Hannah's hand started turning blue as they became webbed, the same happened to her feet. Flora was surprised at how fast her sister was swimming.

The blue skin crawled all over Hannah's body as small holes appeared on her neck. The holes appeared to be gills. There was a rip from the bottom of Hannah's swimsuit as a long thick blue tail grew out of her tailbone. Her new tail had white spots with orange rings surrounding them appeared on each side of her new tail as they also started to appear on the side of her legs and torso.

When they got back to land Hannah started giving Debbie CPR, as her changes continued. Her ears were now just holes in her head, same for her nose as two dots looking like the ones on her tail appeared where her nose used to be. Her teeth became razor sharp as orange rings appeared around her eyes. Semi-circle fin appeared on the new tail and on her back until it got to her neck, meanwhile, a large orange fan-shaped fin appeared on top of her head and two smaller ones looking like the ones on her back appeared on her chin.

Debbie woked and coughed out water and saw Hannah, now as a Huntail Pokemorph. "H... Han... ...Nah?" Debbie coughed.

"It's okay kid," Hannah said as she helped her up. Debbie was still weak, so Flora helped her get to the parking lot as Hannah looked at her new body. When Lilly saw Debbie, she quickly ran up and hugged her.

"Please don't scare me like that again," Lilly said as she failed to hide her tears of joy. The group then noticed Hannah in her new form.

"Not a word," Hannah said. Some of the clouds in the air disappeared revealing some sunlight as the tide seemed to shorten. Just then a car pulled up and a man with red swim trunks stepped out. The man had blonde hair in spiky style, blue eyes, a six-pack, and stood at 5'10". Another female lifeguard with a red two-piece, black hair, and green eyes standing at 5'4" stepped out of the passenger's seat.

"Hannah, I got us here as fast as I could," the man said, "Traffic was a nighm..." He stopped when he saw the Pokemorph girls.

"Okay, what's going on?" the female lifeguard

"Hey, Shawn, Kim," Flora said nervously. "It's a bit of long story."

"I'll catch him up to speed," Hannah said. The new Huntail quickly started rambling and told Shawn and Kim the lifeguards what happened.

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