What's Bugging You? (Ep; 1)

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Brass City. A large city that was a great place to visit during summer vacation. There was a beach, various restaurants, and the Flint Gym. Of course, many of these things weren't all that special to the kids of this city. Though one would have one weird day that would not just his life, but several other lives too.


A teenage boy by the name of William Pines woke up one day, thanks to his sister Bailey tossing a pillow at him. "Good morning," she said with a bit of sass.

"Bailey," Will groaned.

Will had blue eyes and short blonde hair. His sister, Bailey, had brown eyes and black hair. He pushed the pillow onto the floor and walked downstairs. He walked into the kitchen where his older sisters, Belle and Dawn, were already eating breakfast. Belle had blue eyes and long black hair reaching her shoulders. Dawn, meanwhile, had green eyes and black hair but it was as short as Will's.

"Morning," Dawn said while chewing her cereal.

"Dawn," Belle groaned.

"Sweetie, swallow then talk," their mother said. The kids' mother, Lisa was a kind woman with brown eyes and yellow blonde hair and it reached her shoulders.

"Sorry, mom," Dawn groaned.

"Most of you aren't awake yet, just give it some time." Bailey wasn't really listening as she just grabbed one of the muffins and the jug of milk from her sister to get her breakfast going.

"Where's dad?" Will asked.

"Still waking up. He had a late-night working." Lisa quickly stopped Bailey before she filled her glass up to the brim. She then passed the milk jug to Will, who had gotten some toast. "I'll get your eggs." The mother soon started cooking as Dawn decide to start a conversation.

"So, last day of school," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Kind of excited," Will replied. "My friends and I are going to have an awesome summer."

"I'm glad we're going to be done with high school."

"Then what are we going to do?" Belle asked.

"We'll figure that out later," Dawn scoffed.

"I feel like you should be thinking about your future," Lisa said as she started frying some eggs.

"Look, people like me and Will study hard."

"Not true in the slightest," Belle said under her breath.

"We deserve a little break."

"Agreed," Will replied. Shortly after, Lisa placed some fried eggs onto his plate. After breakfast, they soon got dressed. Will got a blue shirt and jeans and soon met his sister downstairs. They walked out to the car where Lisa then drove them off.

At school, Will met up with his friends, Lance and David Burns. "'Bout time you showed up," Lance joked.

"Belle was taking forever in the shower," Will joked.

"I did not," the older sister cried. The boys chuckled.

"I don't know why they take so long in there."

"She does look pretty nice," David said. "Maybe she just wanted to look good for the last day of school."

"Makes sense, I guess," Lance said. "Mrs. Thomas is letting us have pizza for the last day."

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