Maid with Love (Ep 12)

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One night, Reginald the Dragonite butler walked into the living room to find Wyatt and Phoebe the Slakoth sitting on the couch eating snacks. "Ms. Nidra," Reginald said, "I know you've been missing your friend, Alice, but that doesn't mean you can come over here and make a mess."

"Sorry, dude," Phoebe said. "These chips get crumbs everywhere, even if I try to be careful."

"And master Wyatt..."

"Going to stop you right there Reggie," Wyatt interrupted. "I'm not moving."

Reginald just rolled his eyes and accidentally stepped on a cup of soda, making his foot sticky. "How did that get there?" he questioned.

"Yeah, sorry," Phoebe said, "That was me."

"That doesn't explain how the cup got there." They suddenly heard a loud poof from upstairs and Reginald flew over to investigate. It turns out Cleo accidentally dropped her make up kit.

"Sorry, Reggie," Cleo coughed. "I was experimenting and I..."

"It's okay, Mistress Cleo. I'll clean it up."

"Thanks, Reggie," Cleo said. Wendy and Lilly coughed as they made their way out of the dust from Cleo's experiment. "Sorry, girls."

"It's okay," Wendy coughed.

"We'll just hang out downstairs," Lilly said. The two walked downstairs holding each other's hand.

"Reg," Emily said walked into the room, "Have you seen Wyatt? I keep finding his things on my side of our room."

"Downstairs on the couch," he replied. "And fair warning; watch your step."

"Okay. I'll see what you mean." The Dragonite butler sighed and bent over to clean up Cleo's mess as Emily walked downstairs. Suddenly, he heard Jenny walk in carrying a shopping bag.

"Thanks for the ride, Sylvia," Jenny said.

"Jennifer, you're back," Rebecca said as she walked over to hug her daughter.

Jenny then noticed Reginald carrying a trash bag into the living room. "Hey, mom," Jenny said, "Did Cleo invite anybody over."

"Well, Wendy and Lilly are in the dining room. And Wyatt invited Phoebe over." Jenny and Rebecca walked into the living room to say hello, instead they found Wyatt and Phoebe's mess.

"Hey, Jen," Phoebe said waving.

"How long have you been here?"

"About an hour. Sorry about the mess, this happens when I have a snack or two."

"Why is the floor sticky?" Rebecca asked as she stepped into something sticky.

"That was would be master Wyatt's drink," Reginald said.

The business owner Lopunny gave an annoyed look at the Meowstic. "Wyatt, I can't believe you."

"Hey, Reg will clean it up," Wyatt replied sipping from a soda can.

"Can somebody help me out," Emily said as she tried to clean up her clothes after tripping.

"I'll help you change," Jenny said as she and Emily walked upstairs.

"Phoebe, if you're going to be visiting you could at least clean up your own mess," Rebecca said.

"Sorry, Ms. Price," Phoebe said, "I'm a Slakoth. Laziness is in my blood."

"Well, what about your mother?"

"Well. she became a Luxray. She does keep me busy, and you can imagine how that is."

"I'm giving her a call, and we're going to give you and Wyatt a lesson about your laziness."

"Okay, good luck with that," Wyatt said.

"And Reginald, I'm hiring a maid. Even you can't keep up with the messes in this mansion."

"That would be a good idea," Reginald replied.

"Hey, Wyatt, I've got something to show you," Jenny called from upstairs.

"Sorry, Rebecca," Wyatt said, "I've got something to do." Wyatt tried to get up, but Reginald had to push him off the couch. The Meowstic then walk upstairs.

"Do you think you could do the same thing for me?" Phoebe asked. "I wanna get up, but my body won't let me."

Wyatt walked into Jenny's room, where he found the Lopunny, Furfrou, and his twin sister now in her sleepwear. "So, what did you want to show us?" he asked.

"I just got you guys, these," Jenny said showing the Pokemorph three different smartphones.

"Our own phones?" Cleo gasped. Jenny handed her one of the phones.

"I was thinking after being like this for about a month, you should have your own cell phones."

"Thanks, Jenny," Emily said. The twins enjoyed their new phones, while Cleo was starting to take selfies.

"So, anyways, Becky says I'm going to have to do work," Wyatt said.

"Probably a good idea," Emily said.

"What do you mean?"

"You know only four moves. You can learn more than that."

"But only a few of them deal damage."

"Light screen and reflect can go a long way. Plus, you tried to con two Pokemorphs and failed both. Anyways, I'm going to bed."

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