Sleepover (Ep: 3)

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At the Price's mansion, Cleo was sitting at the dining room table with Jenny. "Okay, so I look at the sides of your plate you'll find the fork, knife, and spoon," Jenny explained.

"Do I really have to learn this?" Cleo groaned.

"My mom said you had to. You have hands now. Sure you only have four digits each, but still, they're functional."

"Come on, is there anything wrong with just using my mouth?"

"Several. Look, I'm just trying to do this cause you're my friend. And just be glad the people researching this virus thing."

Cleo shuttered at this thought, "You know how I feel about needles."

An anthropomorphic Vanillish in chef's uniform walked into the room and set a plate down in front of Cleo. There was steak, rice, and rolls. "Isn't this what you usually have for dinner?"

"Yes," the Vanillish said with a French accent. "But Jennifer said she wanted you to get prepared for normal meals."

"Thank you, Franchesca," Jenny said to the Vanillish. "And random question, how are you doing with this... Change?"

"Quite well, surprisingly. I don't mind the cold anymore, and I can also float. Though, the heat can be bothersome." Franchesca the Vanillish left the room, and Cleo tried to practice eating with silverware.

Emily soon walked into the room, "Hey, girls," she said. "How's teaching Cleo going?"

"Easier said than done," Jenny replied. She then stopped Cleo before she ate her food face first. "Cleo, what did I just say?"

"Sorry," Cleo sighed. "I just don't see the point of using these silver... things."

"Cleo, you know what my mom said."

"I know, it's just so hard. Emma, how do you deal with things like this?"

"Well, Wyatt and I walked on only two legs since we were Espurrs," Emily replied. "Being bipedal, we're used to walking on two legs and using our hands. By the way, do you think it's weird how Jenny has five digits on each hand, while we have only four?"

"I think that has something to do with you being feral," Jenny said, "While the bug girls and I were human."

"Speaking of which, how's your relationship with the going?" Cleo asked trying to ignore the eating thing.

"Lilly's still mad at me, but we're getting somewhere."

"But there's only three of them, you should try and make more friends."

"How, after my past behavior and being like this, I have an easier time lifting a minivan of Snorlaxes."

"It wouldn't hurt to try. Plus, I would like to meet some human to see how they work. We could have a nice chat, do our hair... *gasp* Let's invite them to a sleepover."

"I don't know."

"Come on, Jenny. It'll be fun."

"Do you even know what a sleepover is?" Emily asked.

"Of course I know what it is. It's when some people come over to your house to sleep there for the night. Hence, "Sleep" and "Over." Sleepover. "So, can we have one?"

Jenny scratched her ear, "I don't know," she sighed. Cleo began to whimper, she looked at the Lopunny with stars in her eyes. "Cleo, come on. Not the puppy dog eyes." Cleo kept whimpering and move slightly closer to her friend. Jenny tried to shield her eyes, but the Furfrou's eyes were unavoidable. "Okay, I'll ask my mom."

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