Bratty Buneary (Ep: 2)

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The investigation went well into the night. Asking several questions about what the Pine family did before they transformed. As they did this, the house was being quarantined. It was sealed airtight, and the only people that were allowed in or out were the people keeping them in quarantine. "How long are you going to keep us in here?" Fred asked.

"Until we can figure out what's going on or we're given orders not to let you out," the man in a hazmat suit. "I'm sorry about this. I don't make the rules, I just follow them."

"I understand. Can you tell us about the Burns?"

"We'll get back you on that." The man walked out of the house as the Flygon walked towards his room.

"What did they say?" Lisa asked a bit worried.

"We're going to be stuck here for a while. They're doing it because... Can you really blame them?"

"I wouldn't. I mean, I want to figure out why this happened too."

"Let's just sleep on this." The couple lied down in bed and tried their best to go to sleep.

Wendy was doing her best to sleep too, though it was far from easy. Her sisters were out like a light after they found out how to sleep without crushing their new wings. The Joltik couldn't wrap her mind around how this all happened. She then thought about her friends. How would they take all this? Not well probably. They could all kiss their lives goodbye if there wasn't an answer. She stood up to look out the window. It was partially blocked because of the tent set up around it. She sighed and then walked back to bed. Wendy wished it was all a dream.

In an office, a woman in a pantsuit was just about to turn in for the night when she received a phone call. "Hello?" she answered.

"Ms. Price?" a man asked. "We've gotten the Pines family quarantined. We'll be taking blood samples tomorrow."

"Good. They were acting normal and not like Pokemon."

"The man of the house appeared to act like a normal human. We might also have to bring some clothing for him and three of his kids, two teens and a ten-year-old."

"Alright, I'll be sure to have some clothes sent over with the needles. I'll send some clothes over to the Burns family too." Ms. Price was taken by surprise as a shiny Furfrou ran into the room. "Oh! I'll get to you in the morning." She hung up as she petted the Pokemon. "Let's go, Cleo." Holding the Pokemon by its collar, she pulled the Furfrou into a bedroom containing a young man.

"There you are," he said. The poodle Pokemon leaped into bed with the boy.

"Jack, I'm going to busy for a while."

"But you said..."

"I know. Some strange virus has been quarantined in two houses. I'm sure Leo will be helping, but we need to figure out how this all started. Just get some sleep." She kissed her son's head and walked out of the room.

"Mom, who lives in those houses?"

"Some families by the name of the Burns and the Pines." She closed the door and walked to her room.

"Is that why that kid was coughing? I wonder what they have?" He got a couple of licks from his Furfrou. "Cleo. Try and sleep. Your bed's over there." Jack pointed over to a dog bed but his pet was already getting comfy. "Okay, another night with you by my side." He lied down and soon fell asleep with Cleo by his side.


Jack was sound asleep until he got a few licks from Cleo. Groaning a bit, the boy and his dog walked downstairs to the dining room. "Okay, Reg," Ms. Price said, "I just need you to pick up the clothes that I've ordered... Oh, morning Jack."

"Morning mom," Jack replied. "Where's my breakfast?"

"Right here," said a woman in a chef's uniform. She gave some eggs and toast to the young boy. He didn't say anything and just started eating. "You're welcome by the way."

"Just give him a moment to wake up," Ms. Price said. "You may take a break now Francesca."

"Thanks boss," the chef said. She walked off as the mother looked towards her son.

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