The Pokemorph Strike (Ep 18)

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Wendy and her friends were playing video games at her house. The game was a party game and they were in the middle of a minigame. Lilly's character fell off the stage and the minigame ended. "I won," Debbie cheered.

"Yeah, lucky you," Wendy said seeing how her character got last. They got their coins and rolled the die again.

"So, what do you think of Jenny's mega evolution?" Lilly asked.

"Apart from her going rogue, I think it's cool."

Just before it was Debbie's turn, her phone rang. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, Debbie," Cleo said, "There's a sale of dresses at Dress Way. You wanna come along?"

"I'm kind of in the middle of something. When are you going?"

"In about ten minutes. I heard Flora's going to be there."

"Really? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, bring Wendy and Lilly if you can." Both girls hung up and Debbie rolled the die.

"So, you girls up for dress shopping?"

"I'm not sure about that," Lilly said. "You know that there are barely any clothes that fit me because of my arms."

"And most of the clothes that fit me are for kids," Wendy said.

"Well, Cleo said that Flora was going to be there," Debbie said, "Maybe we could help her with wedding dresses."

"Maybe. Three more rounds."The girls continued their game until they heard someone ringing on the doorbell. Wendy walked over to find Cleo waiting for her. "Hey, Wendy," the Furfrou said cheerfully. "Ready to go?"

"I am," Debbie said as she came down the stairs.

"Where's your sweater?"

"I got too hot." The three bugs followed Cleo into the limo and they rode off towards Dress or Less. Lilly and Wendy snuggled a bit along the way.

"So, Lisa was wanting to know how you were doing."

"Just fine," Wendy replied as Lilly gave her a surprise kiss. "So, what's new with you?"

"Not much. I've made friends with Penny."

"Oh, the Floette girl?" Lilly asked.

"Yep, she's heading to the same store as us."

Cleo was getting excited as the road closer to the store. Penny hadn't shown up yet, so they walked inside and looked at the dresses. "Hey, Cleo, look at this one," Debbie said.

"Oh my gosh," Cleo cheered, "It looks so beautiful. Try it on."

"You sure? My pincers might cause it to get ripped."

"I could help you."

"Sure about that?"

"Come on, we're friends."

"It just feels a little awkward."

"What does?" Flora asked as she walked in while holding Amy's hand.

"Oh, hey Flora," Debbie said. "Cleo and I were just trying to get some new dresses."

"So were we," Martha said as she walked in with Suzy and Penny. The Flabebe and Popplio hugged each other and giggled.

"Cleo," Penny cheered as she hugged the Furfrou. "Are you trying on that new dress?

"Actually, I was," Debbie said. "But you can try it." Debbie handed the dress to Penny as the Floette and Furfrou walked off to look at more dresses. "So, what are you doing here, Flora?"

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