What Does The Future Hold?

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Friends hello! Warning this might possibly be the longest one shot I have written so far. I got the buzz after the last episode of Riverdale, and am so excited for season 5! I hope you guys like this... it might be my favorite one I have written so far.


Archie's POV

Still grappling with the fact that I spit out my biggest secret to Veronica last night and broke her heart.

Hearing her cries made me sick all night, I barley slept. As much of a relief it was to tell her, and sort of finalizing what needed to be finalized for awhile, our relationship being over. It still feels like this big secret that no one can know about. Which is mostly true. If Jughead ever found out.... I don't know what would happen.

Something in the way Veronica handled it though made me feel some sort of hope. In an almost odd way, why she was so willing to keep up face for Betty and Jugheads sake is beyond me.

Obviously I agreed. I could never hurt Betty like that, she made her choice. Jughead. As much as I don't want too, as much as it's sinking in and hurting me more each day.... I have to accept that. Even though I'm pretty sure I love her... I think I have been my whole life.

This would break Jughead.... and the thought of him being hurt because of my actions... I can't bear the thought.

So we will keep face. For two weeks until Graduation. I think we can handle it I mean we have handled a lot worse.

I hear a loud knock at my door, and then it slams open.

"Where is he? Where is that son of..." I hear Hirams voice and my stomach sinks. I hear my Mom yelling at him to get out.

"Get out of my house right now, I will call the cops Hiram!!" She yells.

"The cops have no control over me Mary. You should know better by now." He says, and I suck up the courage and walk down the stairs. His nostrils flaring, his fists clenching.

I should have expected this really. It's Hiram.

"Mr. Lodge listen..." I say and he slams me up against a wall.

"Let me explain please." I say barely breathing with his face inches away from mine.

"You hurt my daughter, we discussed what would happen if you were to ever do so." He says pushing me closer to the wall I feel like my body is going to collapse into it.

"Hiram get off of him right now!!!" My Mom yells, and tries pulling him off.

"I regret hurting her the most, believe me. You have no idea what I am going through and who I am. Let me go... and move on Hiram. If Veronica can so can you." I say barely being able to get out a breath in between. His face relaxes slightly and he lets go finally.

I start coughing a little and my Mom comes to comfort me.

"I did what I needed to do. Stay away from my family." He says and storms out.

"You want to explain to me what the hell that was all about?" My Mom exclaims.

"How long do you have?" I say with a smirk and she hits me and we sit down.

She sits there in a little bit of shock, but not as much as I thought she would after hearing everything.

"Archie.... why haven't you been talking to me?" She asks.

"I don't know Mom, I thought I could handle it. I can handle it.... it's just been a lot." She smoothes her hand over my back and lets out a loud sigh.

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