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Archie's POV

I pull up with Jug complaining next to me how they won't have enough food to sustain him for the whole night.

"Jug you packed a bag full of food just in case, you will be fine." I say smiling to myself and hopping out of the Jalopy.

"Speak for yourself. This whole lockdown is ridiculous anyways. It's bad enough we have to spend every week day together but now we have to be locked in this school together for a full night? Who came up with that great idea?" He says sounding spiteful.

"It might be fun." I say trying to lighten the mood even though I am a little less enthused about being in a school with my ex girlfriend all night and her new boyfriend.

Veronica and I broke up shortly after I was released from juvenile detention. To much had happened, we fought for awhile to stay together but it just wasn't meant to be. We both knew it. Not to long after she started dating Reggie Mantle. Not that I'm upset, I want her to be happy, but it stings just a little. I think it's more that I am alone. I'm not used to not having anyone. Jug promised him and Betty would stay with me all night and keep me company but I don't necessarily feel like being the third wheel.

"Arch, Jug! Over here!" Betty yells to us as she is standing in front of her locker. She is wearing a soft blue hoodie and jeans. Her hair in its classic pony.

"Hey, ready for this awful night?" Jug says to her.

She smiles lightly. "It won't be that bad. Come on we can get set up camp in the library."

"I'll meet you guys there Toni needed to talk to me about something." Jug says. We both nod.

Betty and me have been different ever since I went to Juvy. I know she feels like she failed me. I don't know how to talk to her anymore. This whole mess with her family and the farm, there is just too much that has happened.

I miss her.

All of a sudden a bat gets thrown through the window and almost knocks Betty out. She runs out of the way I grab her arm as more things are bursting through the windows and take her into a class room.

"What was that?!" She yells.

"I don't know, but it can't be good go in the closet back there I will baracade the door."

"Arch..." She says worried.

"Just go." I say. I start pushing desks up against the door and put a chair underneath the handle.

She's curled up in the corner of the closet. It's smaller than I thought but it will have to work.

We sit there in silence for awhile.

"I'm worried about Jug." She says.

"He will be okay, the serpents are here."

"I have a bad feeling this has to do with the Goulies." Betty says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Well they have been warning us for awhile now that it wasn't over, and I know Jug and the Serpents have been snooping around to see if they are the source of all the Jingle Jangle. I can only assume they found out." She says.

"Shit. Well you aren't getting to involved are you?" I ask, I know she's been more involved with the serpents now since her and Jug have been pretty steady. I just don't know how involved.

"Well I am the 'Serpent Queen' so pretty involved I guess." She says sounding slightly ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Serpent Queen?" I say shocked and a little upset.

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