The Fog

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Will we get anything close to this dialogue? Probably not. But a girl can dream. A little fic based off of the trailer for this weeks episode. Xoxo Barchies😘

Betty's POV

"So what do we do now? It looks like we are stuck here for a couple of days until the weather blows over." I say to Archie looking out the window concerned for what's to come in our small town of Riverdale, the fate of this town has been bleak for awhile. It's exhausting, amongst many other things we are dealing with. Superpowers and all of that 'normal' stuff.

"Well... it looks like we will just have to tough it out the two of us stuck here in my unfinished house.... I wonder what we could do..." He says with his flirty tone, I feel his arms wrap around my back and he pulls me close to him.

"Arch..." I say turning slowly around to meet his face. He leans in and kisses me lightly.

"I have an idea..." He says with a grin. I raise my eyebrows intrigued. "Remember when we were kids and we used to have sleepovers down here? My Dad would find all the biggest, warmest blankets we had and put them on the floor for us and a bunch of pillows, he would make us popcorn and let us actually have soda past 8 o'clock..." He says getting distracted smiling looking away for a split second having a fond memory of his Dad. I can't help but smile too thinking about our childhood. That we shared together, we were so close for so many years. It's wild to think after all this time we found our way back to one another.

"I remember." I say and he meets my eyes and smiles.

"Well since the upstairs is still in shambles how about we make ourselves a bed down here, and we can be normal. Watch movies all night, talk eat popcorn, drink adult versions of soda..." He says with a laugh. "What do you say?" He says giving me a smirk.

"It's a date. Do you have clothes I can borrow? It's already so foggy out there I can't see my house." I say trying not to sound too worried.

"Yeah I will grab you some." He says and just as he says that the power goes out.

"Shit." He says kind of loudly. I laugh a little.

"Well there goes our movie idea." I say and I can hear his frustration even with just his breathing.

"Hold on let me find a flashlight, and I think I have a bunch of candles in the garage that I can light."

He manages to find me clothes in the dark before he lights all the candles.

I walk out and it truly looks like it's out of a romantic movie. He made it look so magical. I find myself leaning back against the wall just watching him finish lighting the last few candles even though there is plenty for us to see and move around. He has all the blankets lying out for us, with pillows sporadically placed. I can't help but feel happy. Our life is bonkers right now, and it seems to be no end in sight for the fight against Percival, but I am with Archie Andrews. The boy of my dreams, we finally made it to one another and I can't help but feel happy about that.

"Ta da...." He says turning around showcasing his finished work. I smile at his dorkiness.

"You really out did yourself." I say walking towards him. Wearing his sweatshirt that's too big for me.

"You look too good in my sweatshirt, so good in fact I don't think I want it back." He says pulling me by the sweatshirt to be closer to him.

"Well I won't argue with that." I say and he laughs, and he falls onto my lips. We slowly break apart.

"You know Archie, I never knew you were such a romantic." I say sitting down holding his hands and pulling him down with me.

"Only for you Betty Cooper." He says, sounding bashful.

I smile looking away feeling flushed. Apart of me really thinks that's true. This isn't the first time he lit candles for me... when he wrote me that song all those years ago.... when we were goofing around and he dressed up as a firefighter for me... he really is a romantic for me.

"Do you ever think about it?" I ask him.

"About what?" He says sounding confused.

"How we ended up here, together after all this time. Isn't it kind of wild?" I say and he shrugs.

"I think it's more wild that it took us so long to get here. I mean Betty I can only speak for myself but I have felt this way about you for a very long time, timing just wasn't our friend." He says and that makes me flush again.

"A very long time huh?" I say and he nods.

"You really didn't know that?" He says sounding curious.

"I mean apart of me did... especially at the end of our senior year. When all of that stuff happened between you and me... it scared me so much though. I couldn't allow myself to have you as an option..." I say now realizing I have never shared any of this with him before. He is looking deep into my eyes, holding on to every word. "If you were an option, I had the option of losing you too... and that was too painful for me to bear." I feel my eyes start to water a bit and he is just holding onto my hands tightly looking into my eyes.

"I never knew that." He said simply.

"I also was terrified of you rejecting me again...deep down that always stuck with me. I hate to say it because at the time I do think I really loved Jughead but I never fell out of love with you. No matter how hard I tried, you were always with me. Whether I wanted you there or not." I say feeling more vulnerable than I have in my whole life. Bearing my soul like this with Archie is new territory. Especially for our relationship there has been so much craziness going on we haven't had time to really talk about us. At all.

"Betty... I never knew any of this." He says simply again. I shrug feeling a little silly but he looks at me in a way that I know he really is just listening to me. No judgment, the way he has always looked at me. "You know what's funny?" He says.

"What's funny?" I say quietly, as if we are whispering incase we might wake up our parents.

"I have been so madly in love with you my whole life and you have only seen little glimpses of it, but it's consumed my entire being." He pauses, and my heart starts beating faster. "For it to take this long for us to get it right, for me to finally get over my own personal fear of never being good enough for you. Which is still a real fear I have... You and I have been so afraid of rejecting one another or losing one another.... we both never realized until now that no matter what... it's always been us." He takes a breath and pulls my hands close to his chest, "Somehow we are always tethered, even in High School when we weren't even together. We were dating each other's best friends. And to think it all is leading now, to us having superpowers of all things... surviving a bomb together... Betty I need you to know, you are the love of my life." He finishes.

I feel out of breath. I feel like my soul just left my body and I am just floating above the two of us watching from above unsure of what to do or say.

"The love of your life..." I say out loud, almost as if I am trying to make myself believe it. "May I ask what's funny about that?" He smiles and laughs to himself a little.

"We just should have always seen this coming, and for some reason we have both been so terrified of this destination... funny huh?" He says with his goofy grin leaning closer and closer in.

"So funny." I whisper inches from his lips.

He moves his hand to my face and cups it gently. "When in reality we have just been so afraid to have something this good, this real." He says so confidently, and I feel tears fall down my face and he lightly pulls my face forward and our lips melt into one another. He lets go of my lips slightly, "I have and always will be in love with you, Betty Cooper."

This is what real, true, deep love feels like. And I can't believe I am lucky enough to experience it with my best friend.

"Kiss me." I say feeling more tears stream down my face. He follows instructions and our lips meet once again and this time I don't think they will ever part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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