Count Me In

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Short little one shot of my hopes for the finale!! We are getting barchie back😭 these writers will never let me be free. Some barchie smut and love for you all! XOXOXO

Betty's POV
"Do you trust me?" Archie says to me holding out his hand as we are about to enter the old gym for reasons he won't tell me.

I nod slowly and we walk in together.

"Surprise!!!" Everyone I love yells and screams as we enter and I am so overwhelmed and flabbergasted, my heart starts racing. His hand still in mine leading me through.

"Congrats Agent Cooper" is what the banner says and I can't help but feel joy. Which I didn't know I could feel again.

Everyone is there smiling at me holding out their drinks and I look over to Archie who only has his eyes on me. My cheeks feel warm.

"Arch... was this you?" I say feeling my eyes start to fill with tears, happy tears.

He shrugs a little and blushes, like the bashful man he is.

"I just wanted to do something special for you. So did everyone else. I just helped execute it." He says with a grin. My heart starts to beat faster, the beat that's only reserved for Archie Andrews.

"It was all his idea." Jug blurts out with his arm around Tabitha they both are beaming.

"Come on guys let's just focus on Agent Cooper... it is her party after all." He says and everyone holds up their glasses and cheers.

My Mom is even here, smiling having a drink. She's been spending time with Archies Uncle Frank, which I think is nice. There are very few good adults left in this town, and Archie seems to think pretty highly of him. My mom needs more good people around her. To help her heal.

I walk towards them.

"I am so incredibly proud of you honey." She says rubbing my shoulder.

"Thank you Mom, you know this doesn't change anything right? I am not going anywhere. I worked out a deal and I am going to be a full time agent here in town. I think I will have plenty to do." I say giving her a comforting smile.

"If that's what you want. Then I have nothing but support for you Elizabeth." She says pulling me in for a hug.

"I want you to know if being in Riverdale forever isn't something you want... just let me know. I want you to be happy." She says I nod knowing she's right and I glance over to see the future I have always dreamt about. And he's got red hair, a goofy grin and he is looking right at me.

"B!" Veronica says to me, which takes me back. We haven't talked much since we have been home things have been... tense.

"V thanks for coming. It really means a lot." I say and she smiles.

"Well I had to help Archie decorate... otherwise this would have been a table with pizza and beer." She says with a laugh, I laugh with her feeling nervous over the mention of Archie. I don't really know what happened between them other than they were living together for five seconds and now they aren't together.

"Well it looks amazing." I say and she smiles proudly.

"Listen I know we haven't really been friends for years now... and especially recently the whole Archie of it all..... I know this is weird. I just want you to know that if you have feelings for Archie... and want to explore that you should." She says sounding genuine. This conversation is really taking me by surprise I didn't even know she knew about me and Archies old arrangement...

"You have been through so much Betty... and I can see even from the small encounter I just witnessed he makes you happy. Like genuinely happy... you deserve that." She says I feel my cheeks warm.

"Veronica thank you.... That's really sweet." She nods.

"Reggie and you?" I ask with a wink noticing him basically drooling over her.

"It's an interesting development. But I am happy." She says.

"Good, I will always have so much love for you V I hope you know that." I say going in to hug her.

She squeezes me tight.

"I love you too."

Hours pass the party gets smaller and smaller and eventually it just leaves me and Archie laughing and drinking in his office.

"What time is it?" I say looking around realizing it's getting late.

"God I didn't even realize how late it's gotten it's 12:30." He says looking at his watch.

"We should probably get going." I say he looks bummed when I say that but stands up and grabs his jacket and mine and puts it on for me.

His hands linger on my arms as he's putting my jacket on and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

"We should probably walk home." I say with a laugh.

"Good idea." He says.

We make our way drunkenly to our homes. Walking the streets of Riverdale with my arm in his.

"Betty..... I know this is probably not the best time but I want you to to know how sorry I am for not being there like I promised. I have been kicking myself thinking of everything you had to go through alone... and I just.." his voice starts to crack and I stop him and squeeze his hand and look at him.

"Arch... it's okay. I mean I won't lie... it did hurt seeing you go off and be with Veronica while I was going through what I was going through... but I know you were also working through some stuff. It's okay. You're here now." I say and we continue our walk.

"So you are staying in Riverdale?" He asks.

"That's the plan... I just can't even imagine leaving my Mom... and I think after everything I always have pictured myself back here." I say and he nods smiling to himself, which makes me smile.

He makes me so giddy it's ridiculous.

We make it to our houses... we both stop at the sidewalk and look to our houses. We both don't want this night to end. At least I don't.

"Wanna come over for awhile? Frank is at the station tonight and Jug has been staying at Tabithas..." he says inches away from my lips.

Butterflies fill my stomach... I bite my lip looking at him and meeting his eyes.

"Sure." I say and we go to his house and end up in the kitchen.

"Arch..." I say and he turns around quickly inches from me. "We can't keep doing this." I whisper. He nods biting his lip.

"But I want to keep doing this....Betty I want...this. Us." He says nose to nose. I don't know if he's drunk or if this is something he's wanted for awhile. All I know is I'm losing my train of thought looking into those deep brown eyes while he places his hand on my face pushing hair behind my ear.

I lightly lean up to reach his lips and lightly kiss him. Our lips break apart for a quick second just for him to say what I needed to hear. "It's always been you."

Well there goes my will power I grab his face and our lips are smashing together trying to gasp for air. My body feels on fire. I have been wanting to kiss this man the second we had our last. He lifts up my legs onto the counter and my jacket comes off with his and he lifts my neck up and kisses it. I moan while pulling him closer to me. He slowly lifts up my shirt and kisses me all over... slowly, carefully, like I am this precious thing he's trying not to brake. We have had sex before. Wild hot sex... but this feels different this feels... like love.

He gently pulls me off the counter and my legs still wrapped around him and he carries me upstairs to his room and we fall on his bed. His shirt finally comes off and we make love for hours and it still wasn't long enough. We did get tired at some point.

He's laying beside me playing with my hair smiling ear to ear. He hasn't stopped looking at me and I can't keep my eyes off of him.

"What took us so long?" He says with a smirk.

"I could ask you the same thing."

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