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Another fic because my need for barchie is at an all time high and what will happen in the prom episode has my mind spiraling! Enjoy 💕

Betty's POV

Walking to Archie's house is almost second nature. Two steps from my yard and then I am there. Hearing Vegas bark in the backyard and Archie running to the front door to greet me is a very distinct memory from my childhood that I will never forget.

This feels different.

My stomach hurts.

My body feels numb.

It's dark the moon shining down, with it slowly starting to rain.

My dress swaying behind me.

Instead of walking to his house I am pacing. Back and fourth. Wondering what to do, what I want to say to him. If I even want to say anything to him at all. This will probably just make things worse.

Jughead didn't pick up on the incident that happened tonight.

I did, and I am pretty sure Veronica did.

Last thing I saw was Archie and Veronica leaving and never coming back to Prom.

Jughead never put anything together, or he did and he just didn't want to admit it... admit that he knows something has been going on with me and Archie.

Had, not has. I ended it.

It was the right decision, I mean what we were feeling was out of fear, I'm almost a hundred percent positive.

Archie is freaking out about his future, we are all going to different schools it makes sense that we fell back into one another's arms. It's comfort for us.

It's home, for us.

I love Jughead.

I do...

I hear the front door open and my heart sinks.

"Betty?" He says confused standing underneath his porch light.

I look over to him, his hair has fallen but it still looks perfect. His tie is loose and his eyes look, sad. This all feels to familiar and my heart is beating so fast, I feel like I can't breathe. I also realize I haven't said anything.

"Betty, what are you doing outside? It's raining." He says standing there still looking confused.

"I... uh..." My voice is shaking, I can hear it. I slowly start to walk up his walk way. I  stop right in front of his stairs. I feel like this is a safe distance.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I don't know Archie are you?" I ask, sounding harsher than I wanted too.

"What do you mean?" He asks, playing dumb.

"You know what I mean Archie." I say my tone still sounding hard. Cold. Distant. It's like my brain can't let myself go any farther.

"Veronica and I broke up." He says simply. My heart sinks farther into my stomach.

"You broke up." I say as a statement. He nods.

"The song..." He says now refusing to look me in the eyes.

I sigh, "Yeah uh why?"I ask he looks confused. "Why did you sing that song?"

He still refuses to look at me. "I didn't really have a choice the power went out and Veronica insisted on me playing a song to keep the party going, she mentioned I play the song my Mom kept raving to her about. She wanted to hear it. It was dumb, I know that."

"Yes dumb would also be my answer." I say. He nods slowly.

"I know and I am sorry for that Betty. You had no warning that wasn't fair." He says and I nod in agreement.

"I think in a way though Betty I didn't care." He says simply. Taking me off guard.

"You didn't care? That playing that song could possibly ruin almost all of our lives and relationships?" I ask. Feeling confused.

"I didn't care, because I needed her to know.... and I needed you to know Betty." I can't make eye contact with him even though I can feels his eyes boring into my head. "I haven't been the same since our kiss Betty. I think you know that." He says slowly taking steps down his porch.

"We agreed that we should end things..." I say feeling scared.

"No. You decided." He says standing closer to me now. I can smell his cologne it's making me feel woozy. My heart is racing.

"I decided what was best for the people we care about Archie..." I say backing away.

"What about us?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask.

"What about you and me, our happiness doesn't that matter?" he asks still walking closer to me.

"Arch..." I say putting my hand up to keep him away.

"Betty stop pushing me away, this is real. I know you feel it too." He says.

"Arch, I am begging you to stop." I say feeling my eyes beginning to water.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because..." I say almost as a yell feeling the rush of emotions I was trying to keep inside of me begin to come out. "Because if you do this. If you do this now, I won't be able to stop. Don't you get that?" I ask as my eyes begin to water.

"Betty...." He says grabbing for my hand.

"I have been in love with you since the day I met you. Don't you get that?" I say and his eyes sink into my soul. "And when I was ready for you, you weren't ready for me." The tears pour out of me, I have to breathe and wipe my face before I continue. "That killed me." I say simply. He comes closer. "Jughead, was so refreshing and he loved me, he was ready for me. He still is ready for me. I can't just... I can't just give up on him because now you decided you were ready for me. That's not fair." I say and his face falls.

"You are right Betty that is not fair." He says nodding his head, his eyes look watery. "But can I just say that it's not that I am ready for you now, which I am. It's also because I realized I have been in love with you since the day you walked into my yard and asked to come play catch. I just didn't know it."

My heart feels like it's going to fall out of my chest. I start to walk away. Crying hard. "Archie stop I need to go." I say turning around.

"Stop running away from this!" He yells running after me.

"Because I love you and I'm not going to stop!" He yells and my feet stop. My heart sinks. I can't move. He continues, "And you were right next door this entire time. Maybe now isn't our time, but it will be someday. I know it, and you know it. Because as far as I know we both have been in love with each other the minute I proposed to you in second grade. So if now you aren't ready for me, that's fine. I can wait. As long as you want, because I know you are my soulmate. My best friend. The love of my life."

His hand reaches for my arm and pulls me towards him. Time stops. Our lips meet again. My stomach flips, I feel like I am floating into thin air. His hands are on my face pulling me as close to him as I possibly could be. We kiss slow, and he tastes so warm I never want this to end. I feel tears fall down my face as I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans me back and picks me up. He lightly puts me down and slowly releases his lips from mine. He opens his eyes and we lock into one another. His forehead on mine.

"We both know it." He says quietly and lets me go. He walks up to his house turns and smiles at me and shuts the door.

I am standing there feeling lifeless. My skin full of goosebumps, my lips feeling tingly. I touch them to make sure they are still there.

We both know it.

I turn and walk home.

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