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Lol remember when we all thought Riverdale was going to do something different?? Here's to dreaming and hoping the mid season finale gives us something. Hope you all love this and I haven't given up just yet. 😘 XOXO

Archie POV

There I was at the school pitch black with a timer about to go off somewhere with Kevin and some students locked in there with him. Wondering my next move and how to get them out in time. My heart is beating a 1000 miles a minute and the thought of me dying is yes terrifying.... but I just need to get them out of here safe.

"Kev! I'm going to figure something out." I yell through the door to the room he is locked in.

"Okay, if you can hurry that would be great!" He yells back with some humor in the midst of all this madness but I can hear the shakiness in his voice. He's scared.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I hear from down the hall and it sounds like Bettys voice. My heart sinks and I follow it instantly.

"I know who you are now, and there is nothing I won't do to make sure you get justice. For what you have done to all those girls... to my sister." I hear her voice crack, and the tone of her voice sounding cold and harsh. I finally see where she is with a gun pointed to a man that I can't quite make out.

"Betty... don't you understand I have you right where I want you?" He says with a creepy tone and moving closer to Betty with what also looks like a weapon.

"I'll pull the trigger. I'll do it." She says sounding not like the Betty I know.

"There's a bomb in this school that is going to go off in the next 20 minutes. With your dead body inside of it." He says now smacking her head with a bat it looks like before she has a chance to pull the trigger. My body reaches for her and my face is hot, my blood is pumping.

"Get back here you piece of shit!" I yell chasing after him. Running as fast as I can. He takes off pushing a trash can in front of me slowing me down and getting to the doors and locking them shut.

I don't take time to breathe and rush back to Betty.

I gently hold her head up and place her on my legs. She looks small, the bat left her a large bruise and cut on her face with some blood dripping down. I take my jacket and lightly put pressure on the wound.

"Betty... can you hear me?? Come on you have to wake up..." I say not realizing tears have started to pour out of me.

"This is the worst possible time to tell you this." I say breathing heavily. My brain not catching up to my mouth. "but whatever I thought was there with Veronica.... wasn't... it's you Betty. It's always been you, it's always going to be you..." I can't stop crying and I take a breath to pull myself together.

"I need you to wake up." I say her eyes move slightly and her lips move to a smile.

Her eyes slowly open. Our eyes lock and she smiles. I feel myself laughing and smiling of relief and before I even realize what I was doing my lips go to hers. Tears from my face falling onto her cheeks and her arms reach my neck and she pulls herself up. Our bodies inches apart. She slowly breaks away with her head against mine.

"Did it really take you this long to figure it out? Or was it me lying here almost dead do it for you?" She says with a little laugh.

"God Betty no. I mean the thought of losing you... it was the other day with Veronica everything I thought I knew I wanted was wrong. I was searching for something I felt in the past and even then it never felt right. I never knew why until we kissed. It changed everything.... and I have never been so scared of being like this with you for real. It's terrifying. The thought of losing you... I can't..." she stops me with her lips.

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