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Betty's POV

"Did you know?" I look to Archie as we are cleaning up after a long welcoming Arch home party.

"Know what?" He asks looking at me curiously.

"Our parents had a fling." I say with a laugh and he looks at me in disbelief.

"Your mom and my dad? No way." He says throwing empty beer cans in a trash bag.

"Yeah it threw me through a loop to. When she was telling me about Gryphons and Gargoyles and how they all played it together back in the day, it came up." I say.

"Huh who would have thought." He says smiling to myself.

"Yeah... who would have thought." I say and he looks up at me and smiles.

"What else did she tell you?" He asks.

"Stuff that I necessarily didn't want to know. Her and FP had an interesting past to say the least and I'm worried about an interesting future." I say and he looks at me confused, I sigh heavily and force out a smile. "Your Dad however, night and shining armor must run in the family." I say and he smiles.

"Yeah some night and shining armor I am, I just got released from Juvy." He says sounding defeated.

"Yeah released because you were found innocent." I say trying to convince him how good he is. Archie is so hard on himself when he truly is still so purely good, he can't even see it.

"I know Betty." He says sighing. He came back and the whole town was going through it's own mess of things, including Veronica.

I think they both fought so hard to stay together when he was locked away when he got out they both realized something.

"We just weren't meant to be Betty and that's okay." Veronica telling me in the hall the day Archie came back to school.

I was in complete shock but they both seemed okay with it all.

"Do you miss Veronica?" I ask him.

"Sometimes, and then sometimes I know it was for the best ya know? I need to lay low. Get my life back on track." He says I nod.

"How are things with you and Jug?" He asks me.

"Uh they are good." At least they seem good, I feel like we are both sitting on thin ice waiting for one of us to fall through. We have been on edge ever since that game has ended. Now with his mom home, who doesn't necessarily like me... it's been hard. Do I blame her? No. I'm the daughter of her husbands ex girlfriend. I am also dating her son and I am from the Northside. I would be surprised if she did like me.

"That doesn't sound like a confident good." He says sitting down on the couch.

"You don't want to hear about it Arch." I say putting the last garbage bag by the back door.

"Betty trust me I do. Getting my life back on track means getting my best friend back. Tell me what's going on." He says scooting over. I go and sit next to him.

"Well after that whole game mess, Jugs mom came to town immediately and the minute I met her I knew she didn't like me. I mean I'm a north sider trying to be a south sider... dating her son. My mom had a past with FP and maybe something more... the whole thing is just weird. Me and Jug have just been off. I can feel it." I say and Archie nods taking everything in.

"Well I have met Gladys and she can be hard to warm up to but once you do, and you will. She will love you. I mean who wouldn't?" Archie says with his handsomely goofy grin.

"Thanks Arch." I say giving him a half smile.

"Can I ask about Alice and FP?" He says.

I nod slowly and let out a loud sigh, "Well they had some sort of relationship in high school right around the time she got pregnant with my brother.... I can only assume. Me and Jughead have both put two and two together we just haven't said it out loud." Archie nods. "I have this weird feeling they have been hooking up too within the past month or two. And it shouldn't directly affect me and Jugs relationship but I just feel different. It feels..."

"Weird?" Archie suggests.

"Yeah weird." I say, and he nods.

"Well you have every right to feel that way. That's definitely weird but if you and Jug love each other enough you will find your way through this." He says offering me comfort.

"That's the thing..." I say and he looks confused. "It's like I have no energy to even fight this one. I feel like me and Jug have been through so much already and this just seems like the last straw." I say.

"The last straw for what?" He asks.

"To be together, it's almost more energy than it's worth." I say and feeling awful immediately after hearing me say those words out loud. "It's not that I don't love Jughead anymore apart of me always will, I almost miss him more as my friend...." I say and Archie nods. "Does that make me terrible?"

"No. No of course not Betty." He says rubbing his hand on my knee.

"I missed you as my friend too." I say and I put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry." He says.

"Sorry for what?" I ask confused.

"For just giving up and going to jail. In the moment it felt right and after everything I did do last year, I felt like I did my time. After everything you did for me this past summer though and for me to just throw it all out the window just like that... I can't imagine how that felt. I'm sorry." He says and not once did I ever feel anger towards him. I felt anger towards myself for not fighting harder for him, and for never visiting him. That's what I regret the most.

"I never felt anger towards you. It was the most Archie Andrews thing to do, I was upset I was losing my best friend. I was upset that I failed my best friend." I say sitting up distancing myself from him.

"Is that really what you thought? That you failed me?" He asks. I feel a tear come to my eye.

"Of course I felt like that Archie. I can't even imagine what it felt like in there and I didn't come to visit you once because I couldn't get over my own stupid guilt. Some friend." I say feeing more tears fall now from my face.

"Will you look at me?" He says I slowly nod. "You did everything right, everything you could. What happened needed to happen. And you are some friend, my Dad told me you stopped by once a week to either make him dinner or invite him over for dinner. Just like I asked you to. And you did because you are that friend." He says rubbing my knee, comforting me the way I needed to be comforted.

"Thanks Arch..." I say he nods.

"I'm here for you always. You know that." He says I nod.

"I do know that." I say putting my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head.

"Hey who knows maybe there was a reason my Dad and Alice only had a fling." He says.

"Oh yeah and what's the reason?" I ask not moving from his shoulder.

"I think you know the reason." He says squeezing my hand lightly. I close my eyes, yeah I know the reason. I squeeze his hand back.

Listen episode 3x04 had me shook and Lili and KJ KILLED that episode. I had a little inspiration from that episode and hope you all enjoy this 💕

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