Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Liam, do you really think us being together is actually a good idea?" I asked him with a sigh, we'd both been awake for a good few hours now, but neither of us had braved getting up just yet, our hangovers were far too much.

"Why wouldn't it be?" He mumbled, looking up at me with a frown. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"I just feel like I don't really know you, you're my boyfriend and I don't even know your fucking birthday" I declared with a loud sigh. Liam asking me out was the last clear memory I had of the night before and it had swum around in my mind ever since I woke up.

"21st September 72" He told me, his eyebrows still furrowed as he looked at me.

"Liam" I sighed with a laugh "is there nothing you want to know about me?"

Maybe I was just overthinking it too much, maybe I needed to be a bit more relaxed like Liam. Did being in a relationship really have to mean that much?

"Eliza, stop stressin' I'm not a murderer and I'm pretty sure you're not either, so we'll find out about each other as we go along" I couldn't help but frown at his words, being in a relationship with someone I didn't really know seemed a bit backwards to me.

"It'll be alright girl" He said with a laugh, reaching over and giving me a gentle kiss.

I left supernova heights in a bit of a daze, I was on a killer comedown and it felt strange bidding Liam farewell as my boyfriend. I still wasn't entirely sure it was a good idea and I'm not sure why he was so keen on it either, but I just kept on telling myself that I had nothing to loose after all and I'm sure it would keep me from moping after Damon too.


I sighed as I thought of him, I knew I had to tell him that Liam and I were now together before he read it in the paper. Theoretically it wouldn't be a problem, we had decided to just be friends after all, but I knew it wouldn't be as easy as that.

I hailed down a cab and before I even knew what I was doing, I gave him Alex's address. If there was anyone who could give me some advice, it would be Alex. Though, I'm not sure what kind of state he'd be in, he partied hard on any given day, let alone an actual reason like New Year's Eve.

A very tired looking Alex opened the door to me, though his face lit up slightly when he saw it was me.

"Lyla darling" he exclaimed cheerfully, opening the door further to let me in. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need your advice" I told him with a sigh, which turned into a laugh as I saw the state of his lounge.

"Fucking hell Alex" I exclaimed as I let my eyes roam over semi-naked girls strewn everywhere. I reckon there was at least five of them, but there were arms and legs everywhere so it was hard to count. I looked across to Alex to see him smirking next to me, I shook my head with wide eyes.

"You didn't.." I paused to gesture across to them "You didn't sleep with all of them, did you?" I asked him, forcing myself to whisper as I spoke.

He just laughed further and shrugged his shoulders, a smile on his face. "Well they're not all naked for no reason" he told me nonchalantly.

I groaned and shut my eyes, wishing that I'd never asked. The images I now had flashing in my mind were not easy to forget.

"What's the problem then Eliza?" He asked me with a smile, I shook my head as I looked around the room once more.

"Alex, I'm not talking to you with all of these... girls everywhere" I stressed, trying to keep my voice low in fear of offending any of them.

"Okay, we'll talk in my bedroom then" He said with a laugh, turning around to walk towards his bedroom, but I reached forward and grabbed hold of his hand, stopping him from walking any further.

"I am not going in your bedroom" I exclaimed with wide eyes, if this is what his lounge looked like then I dread to think what his bedroom looked like.

"You're being difficult, do you know that?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow, I just laughed and nodded my head.

"I'm always difficult Alex" I told him with a big grin, he just hummed in agreement, disappearing into his bedroom and returning with a coat.

"Come on, let's go get some dinner" He told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he escorted me out of his flat.

"You're not just leaving all of those girls in your flat, are you?" I asked bewildered, surely he wouldn't be that stupid?

"They'll be fine" He told me dismissively, I frowned at him but didn't question it further. It wasn't my flat to worry about after all.

We walked into a quiet restaurant and got seated fairly quickly, as we sat down I suddenly realised just how hungry I was. The last thing I remember eating was a bag of crisps which I shared with Graham before I got ready.

Despite us both whinging about how hungry we were, we only ordered a bowl of chips each. I'm not sure either of our stomachs could cope with anything heavier, though that didn't stop us from both ordering a strawberry daiquiri to accompany our chips.

"What's the problem then Lyla?" He asked my gently, I sighed and closed my eyes, not really knowing where to start.

"You can't react until I'm finished, okay?" I warned him, he just nodded his head, agreeing as he laughed.

"Basically, Liam asked me to be his girlfriend last night and I was fucked and said yes, but now I think it was the wrong thing to do" I mumbled, I watched as Alex opened his mouth, but I shook my head to stop him, I wasn't done yet.

"I worry that I don't know enough about Liam but I said that to him and he didn't seem bothered, told me to stop stressing and I think I'm overthinking it too much, but I can't help it" I rushed out, pausing to take a rather large gulp of my drink.

"And I'm worried about what Damon will say" I finished quietly, looking down at my lap before quickly looking up to try and gauge Alex's reaction.

"Well I think you need to worry less and shag more" He said with a laugh, before bringing his glass up, nodding his head and taking a large gulp.

I groaned as I placed my head in my hands, that certainly wasn't the advice I was hoping for.

"No seriously Eliza, you and Liam seem to be rather compatible, so what's the harm?" He asked me, I nodded my head slowly, he did have a good point.

"And as for Damon, well he won't be happy but it serves him right, he's with Justine after all" He concluded with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I just worry that it'll all end in tears, mainly mine" I said with a slightly forced laugh.

"Just don't get too attached Lyla, take it easy and see how things go" He told me as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, I sighed as I stared into my bowl of chips.

"But I'm quite a needy person" I told him, looking up with a raised eyebrow and a laugh.

"It'll be easy Eliza, just keep him at an arms length"

"Right, well how am I meant to keep my boyfriend at arms length?" I asked him with a frown, everything he was saying was just contradicting itself. Shag him but keep him at an arms length?

"No lyla, just enjoy him as a boyfriend, but don't get too attached to him" He re-explained, though I was still rather confused.

"Right" I said slowly, nodding my head "How hard can it be?"

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