11. HARREH???🥺 HARREH???

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Heeey!! Here you've got another chapter this is a long one but I think is really beautiful and cute. These chapter is the 17 and 18 of the Tik Tok series. Thanks for the support ❤❤ I love u all so much ❤ By the way the video is the one that I got inspired by to do chapter 17, so there you have it if you want to watch it.
Treat people with the Tommo way luvs!!!❤❤✌


"Okay now I should start looking for him" Lou told himself.

He was sure it would be easy. Harry would be near his room or something. But he started looking near his own room. He wasn't near so he kept looking for him while he shouted his name "Harreh???" He knew the other boy wouldn't answer but he kept on repeating his name anyways.

Lou opened every single door of every room but he couldn't find Harry.
He entered a room where 2 ladies were. His bestie wasn't there but somehow Zayn was inside the shower with clothes on. The boy was going to ask him what the hell was he doing there so he said:
"Zayn" looking at his friend with a puzzled face.

He just answered unbothered "What?"
Then the older lad remembered he was looking for Harry so he didn't care much what was he doing there. He closed the door and kept on walking in the hallway.

Nacing. Where was he???

He kept on shouting his name "Harreh??? HARREH???!!! harreh?🥺🥺"
He shouted at the top of his lungs. Now his throat hurt and he still couldn't find him.

Then he simply called him with soft and sad eyes thinking he had been a while looking for him and he couldn't find him. He missed his bestie a lot, that's why he kept on looking.

The hallway was so long. He tripped over something. A suitcase. What was that doing there?? And why did it have... feet??
He opened it thinking maybe those were Harry's legs.
Of course it wasn't Harry. It was Liam.

The brunette boy looked at Lou with a confused face. And Lou did the same. Why the hell was he sleeping in a suitcase?? Eveyone in the X factor house were so weird today he didn't get what was going on.

He asked Liam if he knew where his boy was. He said that the last time he saw him was in the bathroom.

"The bathroom?" He said (a flashback came into his head. That was the same bathroom where he talked to Harry once.)
He thought it was so easy. He couldn't be there but he went to check it.


Meanwhile Harry was hiding with the gift. Trying so hard not to laugh or make any noise.
He couldn't hear his boy now. So he was probably far away.

Harry was literally in his room. In the closet. Waiting for Louis to get him out of there. It was a bit dark so Harry figured it was a bad idea but now he had to stay there.


He was in the toilet's door. He waited for a man to get out and then he stepped inside the place.

There was someone there. It was obviously Harry. He was so near the door, it was clear that was for Louis to find him. So the brunette lad opened the door confidently.

Oh God. Who the hell was that?? He had no idea but he knew that man wasn't Harry.

"What are you doing??" The man said with anger

"Umm... Sorry I-i thought you were-" Lou tried to say choking with his own words.

"Damn it kid. You really don't know how to knock on a door, do you?"

"S-so-sorry" He said walking away as quickly as possible.

Well that was awkward. Luckily the guy was just staring at his phone sitting in the toilet. If not that would have been even more weird.

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