14. Diaries

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Heeey pick some tissues guys!! This chapter is sad :( Loveee u ❤❤ This chapter is the same as chapters 25, 26, 27 and 28 of the tik tok series.
Stay safeee ❤❤


They were in the train again on their way home. They were still a bit drunk and dizzy.

"Oi Harreh"

"Yeah babe??"

"Can I kiss you??"

"Not if I kiss you first"

Harry kissed softly his besties' cheeks. After doing that he kissed his lips and they stayed like that for a while.

Harry was so happy and Louis too but the blue eyed lad didn't show it that much on his face.

"See ya" The older lad said when they arrived at the X factor house.

"Bye baby. Have a great night!! Can I-"

Lou was already gone. What the hell happened to him??

Harry tried not to think about that, he needed to write down everything he has done in his diary.

"Hey!!! I'm back. Wow. Do you know what happened today?? I took Lou to the concert I told you "Arctic Monkeys" and he loved it.
When my favourite song "Do I wanna know?" was playing something great happened.🥺💖

So we went by train 'cause I can't drive and Lou was asking me all the time "where are we going baby?" 'cause now he calls me baby. I don't know why but I just love when I hear that word coming out of that little mouth he has.

I sat on his lap. He almost begged me to. And it felt quite nice mostly because he was caressing my curls.

When we were almost there I got closer to him and I whispered in his ear "We're going to a concert" he started smiling and he couldn't stop getting a bit red. He was so cute anyway.

We waited in a loooong queue to get inside and then there was this security guy. He was asking Lou if I was a good boyfriend and stuff. My God. How I HATE when people get into others business and even more if it's mine.

Anyway, he grabbed a drink for me and a beer without alcohol for him. It had alcohol anyways though. So... Maybe I drank a bit of Harry's beer and... I got drunk 😅 Not much you know?? Just a bit.

We went to the concert and like I said my favourite song was playing when I looked at Lou, he looked at me too and he smiled. Again that beautiful smile that made me feel like... Like I was in heaven or something I don't know...

I wanted to hold his hand, I wanted, I wanted to cuddle with him and my mind with the loud music the drinking (even though I'm 16 I drinked just a beer and shared it with Lou)

I was looking for his hand, slowly 'till I found it and I wanted to hold him. He seemed to notice and he let me so...

There we were at the concert holding hands I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling and then he came closer to me.

It was surreal. Like too good to be true. He looked me in the eyes and I looked at him confused.

AWWHWHSUEVWUSBWIDBWODNEODB That was my mind in  that moment. Shouting, nervous, happy. In the outside I looked frozen.
I thought I was going to faint, my heart was beating faster and faster as he was  getting closer...
And suddenly he started to bite my lip.

It felt nice. It was soft, kisseable, he has those red lips that are just a

In that moment I realized how lucky that Eleanor girl was. Even though I never saw Lou kissing her though. Except for when the cameras where there. Weird.

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