21. The dream

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Here it is my fav chapter!!! Hope I'll post this soon, I'm sorry for making you wait so much. Hope you are all doing great, also if it took longer to post it, it's just because I didn't start writing the 20th yet 😂. I'm sorry this is like the cutest one and I was in the mood of writing it I guess. I'm sad that we're about to be in march soon :c I don't want the 25th to arrive :(

The song is for a part in specific, where Lou and Harry are together but you can listen to it the whole time if you like :D

Love uuuu, treat people with the tomo way 

Lou 💕🎹🎭


Harry's POV:

I opened my eyes waking up from a horrible nightmare: I lost all of my rings!! I totally freaked out but luckly, it was just a horrible dream. My place looked different, I didn't quite rembered any of this. My room was big and beautiful, really fancy too. It was like a castle. I was probably mad or something, my room a castle? But the doors, the room itself belonged to the royalty. 

A lady dressed in a white dress came inside " Good mornin' my sleepy prince" When she came closer I realised it was my mum. What was she doing with that beautiful dress on and that tiara?

"Mum, where are we?" I simply said. I didn't understand what was going on. 

" What do you mean honey? We are home" She said caressing my hair like she normally did." Are you ready for today baby?" She said with a smiley face. 

The green-eyed lad was lost. Did he bump his head or something? Like what was going on? 

" What happens today?"He said still not understanding a thing

" You are going to meet your prince, baby. How could you forget? It's the most important moment in a princess life"Anne said smiling at his boy

"Am I a... a princess? But I'm a boy" Harry was confused by that

" You are baby. We talked about this, you rather being called princess, you feel comfy with that. There's no need to be a girl, my little princess" She said smiling at Harry

"Mum, can I... wear a dress?"The princess said looking up at his mum

" A dress? Surely. You can grab any of mine if you like or we could call the stylish, what do you think baby?" Her mother said smiling

A tear was running through Harry's face. He could wear a dress and being called princess. It was the best moment of his life, he could do something he felt comfortable doing without being judged. And his mother was supporting him, she wasn't saying that it was weird like people did.

" Oh baby" The queen had to hug his boy really tight because he was sobbing a bit."I'm proud of you Harry, remember that, you are going to be really pretty and you will enjoy the party for sure" She said caressing his boy's face while he was still hidding his face in his mum's dress.


Time after (yeah like the song "Time after time" if you didn't listen to it, you totally should, just leaving that there) the boy was next to a friendly stylish, deciding which dress he liked the most. They were in his closet apparently, it was like a whole classroom. It was so huge and it had sooo many dresses and fancy suits.

" What about a green shade? It could suit your eyes" The stylish boy said trying to help. The boy was really pretty, not much taller, blue eyes, blonde and with an irish accent.

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