19. Ok boo

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Heeeyy this is a loooooong chapter. Because it's from the chapter 35 up to the 41. So it's a lot. The song is the one Louis is gonna play in the car, in case you want to hear it or something. Anyways enjoy it!! Stay safe and treat people with the Tommo way!!!

-Lou 🙃💫💖

"Hii?! Irish!!" Lou said

"My God what took you so long to answer the phone??!" He seemed kinda angry, this was the 4th time he called him.

Lou thought what his answer should be: "Oh nothing just cuddling with Harry, you know??" But he didn't want to say that. Maybe he could tell him: "Just playing piano, blushing everytime my hands touch Harry's and hugging and kissing him" No, too much true. Niall wouldn't understand so he just said:

"Oh nothing. Just, you know, playing a song on piano focusing a lot in it" He said smiling at the beautiful boy next to him. He smiled back but thought that in his case he was focusing more on Lou than the song.

"Good. Anyways I need you here" *And I need him here too* Thought Harry but he just stayed silent next to his boy

"Why?? Forgot how to open a bottle of water again Irish?" Replied the boy laughing

"No. And it was just once Louis, don't mention it again" Niall didn't really liked the joke

"Fine. What do you want??" He said without taking his eyes off of Harry's

"Simon said you must be here at rehearsals. You skipped it the other day"

Ugggh. The annoying Simon.

"He's not wrong though" He did skip rehearsals on Harry's birthday but it was for a good cause. He wanted everything to be per-fect

He looked at Harry with those puppy dog eyes and he was about to say he was busy but then he remembered. Simon knew. Simon told him to get away from him so he probably guessed that he was with him. He should go, if Simon was going to blame someone he didn't want it to be his baby.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes"
Harry's face changed in less than a second. He had a sad face but Lou knew it was for the best. He couldn't tell him why he had to go, he couldn't explain what that horrible manager did to him.

"Okay see ya" The blonde (or brunette because we all know you are not real blonde Niall) boy didn't seem quite excited to go to rehearsals either.

"Bye Ni-"

"Wait!!" Niall even shouted a bit so Lou wouldn't hang up the phone.

"What??" He wanted to give the curly lad a goodbye cuddle.

"Have you seen Harry? He doesn't answer the phone and he isn't at home apparently"

Shit. Now what??? He got paralyzed, he didn't know what to answer. Harry looked scared too. It was obvious they knew he was there. So Lou started to freak out shouting that he didn't know and that it wasn't his fault that he "disappeared"

"No... Why would I Niall??WHY ME??!! I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING OK???"

"Okay, okay. It was just a question lad don't worry" He was a bit shocked and knowing Louis, he knew  perfectly where Harry was. Was he hiding him from his parents or something??

His boy was panicking so he had to help. He was near Louis but still he got even more closer whispering into his ear: "That's okay boo it was just a question"

That calmed him down. Harry was right, it was just a question. Niall didn't know, right?

"Okay then Boo. Love u ❤" He said softly to Harry when suddenly a voice replied laughing:

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