16. The 17th birthday

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Heyyyy... So this chapter is dedicated/ inspirated in someone that makes me so happy. So thanks for supporting me and for being a weirdo like me. harrys_gay_vodka1D
And also thanks to you beautiful person, reading this chapter and supporting me. Also happy birthday to Harry!!! That' why I uploaded this chapter today :D

Love uuuu all ❤❤ Hope you have a great day. Use the Tommo way ❤ And please stay safe and wear masks lovesss!!

-Lou 🎹🎭🦉


Louis was so sad. We couldn't stop crying he needed Harry, his curls, his eyes and his arms. He wanted to cuddle with him. He wanted to tell him how much he liked him and that he was sorry for everything. It wasn't his fault but it felt like it was.

He knew he was hurting Harry but he was also hurting himself and he couldn't do anything about it. He felt like a fool.

He messed up at rehearsals thinking about him.

He couldn't listen to his friends without having that lost look.

He was broken.


It was almost his 17th birthday. Harry was so sad he couldn't see Lou.

Was he mad at him or something? He kinda was avoiding him at all costs. He was kinda sad. Did that stupid kiss ruined their friendship?? He felt stupid again.

That Eleanor girl... She was just Ughhh... She was so kind and she treated Lou so well that Harry couldn't blame her. She actually treated Harry good too. She was a good girl, that why he felt bad for being so jealous but he couldn't help it.


1st of February. Damn it. Lou wanted to go and tell Harry everything that had been happening but he couldn't. Simon was watching him more than ever now.

The manager knew Lou would want to go and see Harry on his birthday so he made him go on a date with Eleanor and pretend he forgot about Harry's birthday.


Harry couldn't believe it. He told Louis, did he really forget about his birthday?? He felt quite sad but he tried to pretend.

He saw Niall still a bit sleepy and he said:
"Heeey good mornin' birthday boy!! How does it feel to be older??"

"Hi Niall" He said clearly sad

"Ohhh c'mon budy cheer up!!! 🎵You are the dancing Queeeeeeen, young and sweeeet only 17!!!!!🎵"

Niall was there in the middle of the hallway at 8 a.m. singing so loud that Payno woke up.

"Oi lad. What are you doin'??" Payno opened the door of his room to see what was happening. The boy had just woke up and had messy hair but he was as cute as always.

"Sorry. It's Harry's birthday!!!"

"Ohhh. That's right!! Happy 17th birthday Harry!!!!"

"Thanks Liam" Harry laughed watching Niall still singing "Dancing Queen" and Payno joining too. His friends were the best.

"You should go get ready Harry!!! You're birthday party-"

"Wait. A birthday party??? For me??" He said interrupting Niall

"Well yeah. Ofc, why not??" The Irish boy answered

Harry went to his room with excitement.
His hair was so messy and dirty that he decided to take a shower.
He couldn't stop thinking of those blue eyes looking right into his eyes and he felt a bit sad about it.

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