S1 15. Chapter 11: An end

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Aqua's POV


A loud explosion was heard behind me, however I didn't look back as I knew that if, I did, I wouldn't live to tell the tale.

I felt a force pushing me forward and I thought "This is it, it's over" as I closed my eyes, hoping for the best.

Quick! Create an ice ball around you!

Great idea!

I created the ball and I braced myself for the incoming impact.


The ball hit the ground and started to shatter. Another hit... *Crash* and it was over. No protection, nothing could save me now. The ball had slowed me down and took some of the worst hits but I still had a lot of kinetic energy in me and releasing it on the ground was something I knew would be painful but I didn't have a choice.
Putting one of my hands on the back of my head and the other one on my face.

*Smash* *Thud* *Thump*

My whole body ached but I had finally stopped rolling on the ground at great speeds.

*Thump* *Crack*

A boulder had fallen on my leg, making a cracking sound come out of it.


You OK? That didn't sound healthy.

Yea-ugh... It doesn't. It's my leg, it doesn't hurt too much but there's still something.

Let me see...

Heh, maybe it doesn't hurt too much now but when your adrenaline wears down that broken bone is totally going to be a bit more painful.

Why are you so happy?

You came back to your senses and didn't die from the explosion, that's why.

Yeah... It's a great way to look at it.

-Where are you 3? Giving up now? Don't tell me you died from that!- Octavio taunted.

D*mn it... can I do something about the leg?

I wouldn't risk it if I were you but... this situation... Let me have control, I'll put the bone back in place and freeze the fracture.

You can do that? Great! I'll back out for a moment so you can fix it.

I pushed the boulder away carefully making sure Octavio didn't notice and hid behind it.

I looked at my leg, there was a bone definitely not in the correct position.

I decided this situation could be called trouble and messaged agent 2 since I didn't want to be heard by using the walkie-talkie.

Ag 3: Need help. I'm hiding. Cap'n alive but tied up. Great Zapfish inside Octavio's machine. Dangerous.

Agent 2 quickly answered.

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