S1 6. Chapter 4: Highschool, sooo cool... Really not

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Aqua's POV

*Ring**Ring*... *Ring**Ring*

-Humm?- That meant: What the f**k is that sound, I want to sleep.

I ended waking up and opened my eyes, not too much, but a little bit, enough to see what was making that sound at... let me see: 7:20 AM. And the winner is: my phone.



I picked up the phone and answered.


-Hi Aqua!!

-Hi Callie...

-How are you? Are you ready for your first day in SplatHigh?

-1)I'm sleepy. 2)NO.

-Why not?

-Because the first day starts at 9:00 AM and it's 7:20 AM AND you just woke me up, so I'm not ready.

-See? I was right. It was too early- Said Marie.

-Hi Marie.

-Hi, I tried to stop Callie but, I couldn't, sorry.

-It doesn't matter, I'm going to hang up, I'll be preparing myself.

-Don't forget your glasses.




There's nothing better than two aunties to wake you up.

I went to the bathroom, dressed up, took breakfast, lied down again on my bed, woke up again, looked over my backpack for making sure I didn't forget anything special, went to the door, went back to my bedroom because I forgot my glasses (thank you Marie) and started going to the SplatHigh for my first day.

I know live near but...

But what?

But, haven't I arrived too early? I mean, there are more or less 5 minutes of walking between the SplatHigh and my house and we only walked for 3 minutes and we're here.

Yeah, you know? I was the fastest when I was I human. You'll be discovering my "powers".

You had powers?? Like flying?? Does that mean that I will be able to fly???

No, I couldn't fly.


But I could breath underwater.

But inklings dissolve in water.

Humm... I think I can help you avoid dissolving.

Cool I always wanted to walk in water!

Walk? You mean swim.

Yeah, whatever.

Look! There's Martha and Calm.

-HI!! HOW ARE YOU?? AREN'T YOU EXCITED??-Calm shouted.

-Of course... it's sooo cool-I answered trying to make him think the opposite idea.

-See Martha, I was right!!

-Really not, Calm.

I was hoping he noticed the sarcasm in my voice.

Martha started laughing and I felt too good, Calm's face was amazing! He was confused, annoyed, happy, excited, a little bit sad...

When Martha was able to talk again she had tears of happiness in her eyes.

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