S1 11. Chapter 9: Training

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I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force:
a destructive force without equal!

Martha's POV

We went to get our breakfast when I suddenly realized Aqua wasn't there.

When has he...?

Yeah, when?

Wait who's there?


No one, I guess...

When we got back I asked Ada about Aqua's sudden disappearance.

-Hmm... I think he said he was going somewhere but I don't remember where.

Dang it, he completely disappeared.

-LET'S HIDE HIS BACKPACK SOMEWHERE- Calm said enthusiastically.

-Let's not- a voice disagreed from behind Calm.

-AGH!- Calm screamed while he jumped and turned around to find Aqua there, with an unamused look on his face.

-Hey! Have you seen the weather? It's nice...- Calm deflected, unsuccessfully.

-Give me my backpack back, I no longer trust you having it- Aqua ignored him.

-OK...- Calm said sadly, making Ada and me laugh at the situation.

-Where were you, Aqua?- I asked curiously.

-I was in the bathroom, I told you guys and Ada said "Yeah", so I thought you knew.- He defended himself, deflecting onto Ada.

-Well you thought wrong! I hadn't heard you!- Ada claimed with indignation, making everyone laugh.

We all finished having breakfast and went to our respective classrooms.

Aqua's POV


Arts classrooms...

Have I ever said that my drawings are horrible and that's why I never do it?

I don't know, I guess if you hadn't... well... now you have.


A few minutes later...


You done?


It doesn't look that bad.

No, I think I even like it. Good job!

Thank ya, man!

I gave Mr. Miller (Frank Miller) the drawing he told us to do to see how good (or bad) we were at drawing.

You were lucky you didn't have to paint it.

Yeah, I'm bad at drawing but I suck at painting.

Me too, kid, me too.

Classes went by faster than I expected as I suddenly realized that the Inkling Language class was about to start.

Do you think she is going to say something about yesterday?

You mean when you confronted her?

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