Noises: Version 2

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We have all heard them. You know... those strange noises when we're home alone. A creek upstairs, what sound like footsteps, scratching, and sometimes even what seems to be someone calling out our name. These noises sometimes make us jump, or put goosebumps on our arms, but most of the time we plainly ignore them.

It's just the house being old, we will say. Or, it's the wind outside making those noises. Or we'll say it's the neighbors making the noises. And yes, you might be right. Sometimes, rarely though, it will be just the house being old, the wind or the neighbors, but the majority of the time it is Him.

Like I said, most of the time people will ignore them (those are the smart people), but sometimes a person will stupidly go in search of the origin of the noise, which is never a good idea.

That is exactly what He wants you to do! That is why He makes all the noise. He wants you to go in search of him. He wants you! More precisely, He wants your body.

You see, He is bodiless. That is the curse placed on Him by a demon with twisted intentions. He is just a bodyless soul. A dark soul. He can't do much without a body, which is why He is always in search of one. It's not so easy though to just take over any persons' body. You have to hand it over to Him for him to possess it, but there is only so much He can do to get you to hand over your body. By going in search of those noises though, it is as if you signed a contract and allowed Him to take control of your body.

The noises you hear will always depend on you. He can make the first few easily, but He will quickly run out of energy if there's nothing He can feast on to make louder creepier noises. In order to make the noises He must posses inanimate objects or manifest a telekinetic arm or leg which uses up a lot of energy, so He feeds off your fear when you hear these noises. The more fear you let off, the more energy He gets and the more noise he can make to try and convince you to go in search of what is making them.

Like I said, most people will ignore the noise, but some will go after them. Most of the time it's children since they are more curious, which is why it seems like He prefer young kids, but he tries with humans of all ages. He always goes after people who are home alone because He has a sixth sense, of some sort, that allows him to sense when a person is home alone, and it is much easier to lure in a person who is alone.

When a person goes in search of the noise, they will always find nothing. Just an empty room, to which they will feel relieved upon seeing it. You are lucky if that time you go in search of the noise it really is just the house being old, the wind, or the neighbors, but most often you won't be so lucky.

Without your knowing He will possess your body and you will go into a dream like state without even knowing about it. For you, it will feel like seconds, but it will actually be a few hours.

After having possessed your body He will do one of two things, for it is all He can do. If you in fact live home alone, then He will become enraged and set your body on fire. He will pull you out of your dream like state, but only half way, so you can't move, but you can feel all the agonizing pain as your flesh burns.

If you do have a family, or at least roommates who live with you, He will wait for them to get home. He will wait up to twelve hours for them, after that He will become angry and burn you alive. Once you wake though, if your family or roommates do arrive in those twelve hours, you will find your hands covered in blood and the people you live with laying in front of you-- dead.

Before you even get a chance to figure out what happened, the cops will already be knocking down your door to take you away ,and He will be long gone making noises in a different house to take over a different person's body and repeat the cycle.

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