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She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. She's angelic. She has marvelous light skin. You can tell she takes really good care of it. She has lovely brunette hair. It doesn't look damaged at all. It looks like it's her real hair color. It's naturally beautiful. Her face is just perfect. Especially those eyes of hers. I am in love with her eyes. Her eyes are an exquisite shade of light green.

She seems like she came right off a magazine. The only difference being is that everything on her is real. She is naturally beautiful. Everything on her chest is real. I doubt she got any work done. No she couldn't have, they look amazing. No surgery could even come close to that. And her stomach, let me tell you, it's amazing. You can tell she really works out. She has a nice set of abs. Her abs & her other muscles are just.. wow. They are not too small that it seems like she is still working on them & they are not too big that they look gross. Her muscles are just the right size that they are excellent. Her legs.. just wow. Those legs are fascinating. When she walks it's just enticing. I swear people just stop to admire this girl's natural beauty.

She's beautiful, she's stunning, she's everything a guy wants. I love her. I hate her. I HATE HER! She's a slut! She's a whore! She probably sleeps with any guy who has money. She probably gets with any guy who's good looking. She probably uses her looks to get what she wants. She's probably empty in the skull. She's a bitch! She's fake! She lives in a huge mansion. She probably thinks she's better than everyone else. She believes the world revolves around her. I HATE HER!

She's beautiful .. she'll never go out with a guy like me. I HATE HER! I want her. I want to see her beg for her life! I want to see tears come out of those pretty little eyes of hers & run down her gorgeous cheeks. I want to see blood gushing out of the pretty light skin of hers. I want to hear her scream! I want to kill her!

I don't even know her by name but I hate her with passion. I have to get rid of her. I have to.. & I will. Tonight.

I've been following her for a while now so I've learned somethings. I know that she will be alone tonight in her mansion. I've managed to get a key, so I can sneak in without her knowing. I will see her blood, tonight.

I'm in the mansion & this place is huge. It's just magnificent. I wish I could afford a place like this. She's in the bathroom taking a shower. I could kill her now, but I want to have a little fun before. I want to scare her. I want to see her little pretty face full of terror. I want to see her exquisite legs run when she fears for her life. I want to see her die.

I find her phone in the room. Stupid bitch, why would you it leave out here? Someone could come in & take it.. like I am going to do. I grab it & walk down to the basement. As I'm walking towards the basement I hear the shower go off. The fun is about to start.

I get to the basement & I imagine she is in her room changing. I find the fuse box & turn all the lights off. Let the killing commence.

I walk up the stairs & hear her asking who's there. Obviously she is dead in the brain because a smart person would have abandoned the house by now. Her stupidity only makes things better for me. I'm in the living room & I see she's in the dining room. I notice an expression of fear in hear face. She's even beautiful when she's scared & it only makes me love her more & hate her at the same time. I want to kill her now!

I see her reach for a flash light & a kitchen knife. Aww, she really thinks she can protect herself with that knife. I make sure to stay hidden as she makes her way to the living room.

That's right, walk a little closer. More.. more. This is going to be so fun. I walk up to her when she is facing the other direction. I lean in very quitely & whisper into her ear, "Hi beautiful."

I was prepared for her to swing back her knife, but instead she starts running. I love to see those legs run. I chase after her, watching how her enticing legs move. She runs up the stairs to her room. Big mistake.

I walk up the stairs scraping my machete on the wall. It makes an annoying screeching sound, but I love how much it scares her. She starts screaming for help. Music to my ears. Fortunately, there aren't any houses close to this mansion, so it's useless to scream for help.

I get to her room & find her pointing her knife at me. She looks beautiful even now.

"Hi beautiful," I say. That only makes her angry & she starts screaming profanity at me. I walk up to her dragging my machete behind me.

She takes a jab at me with her knife & actually wounds me in the arm a little bit. It only angers me so I swing back my machete & cut off her head.

Seeing the blood splatter everywhere is fascinating. I pick up her severed head & her kitchen knife because it could be used to find my identify.

I return back home with her head. It's still beautiful.. but less bitchy. I get home & walk down to my basement. I can finally finish my masterpiece.

For a while now I've been collecting parts.. human body parts. I've been building the perfect woman. A beautiful woman, who won't bitch, & who won't reject me for the way I am.

I take the severed head & wash off the blood. I get a sewing needle & sew on the head to my masterpiece. I stand back to look at her.


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