Immortal Beast

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He's been around forever. Since the stone age to the computer age of today. All he's ever done is terrorize humans. Seeing humans suffer has been and still is his passion. He's an immortal beast.

He's an invisible monster who haunts many humans. To kill is rarely his goal. Why? He takes joy in seeing pain in ones' eyes. Killing is fun, but death of a human is the death to their pain. His favorite form of torture? Waiting 'till the last minute to attack.

There are a few chosen ones out there who are immune to his attacks, but most, are tormented by his evil tricks.

All he has to do is speak a single word to curse a person.


As soon a human has been cursed, they'll begin to suffer many things. His punishments, tortures, pain inflicters vary per person, and there are many things that he could do.

Head pains, neck pains, back pains, chest pains, difficultly in speaking, difficulty in breathing, memory loss, tremors, easier contraction of infections, diarrhea, depression, weight gain, insomnia, nightmares, inflammation of arteries leading to heart attacks, and others, not all deadly, but cause human suffering which he loves.

His name should not be spoken or written out or he will come after you. So, I will tell you his name in a different manner. The eternal beast who tortures many of us in our daily lives, his name encoded in the following words.

Purple Rabbits, Orange Clouds, Red shArkS, gianT Indigo dragoNs, And Teal unIcorns, Only imagiNation.

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