Just Smi)e

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Clowns are often hired for party entertainment. Clowns are fun, right? I mean, they may seem scary to some, but what harm can they really do, right? Well, I wouldn't trust clowns so much especially when it comes to a company called Smile.

Smile is an entertainment company and they specialize in, you guessed it, clowns. Now, don't get me wrong, their clowns are actually really cute. They even make you question why some people find them so terrifyingly scary. But don't let yourself be fooled by how adorable these clowns are, they are in fact the complete opposite.

You see, they take their motto very seriously. "Just smile," they always say. And if you want a safe and happy party that's exactly what you must do. Smile.

These clowns are of no harm when all the children are smiling, but when a kid is afraid of them... hell breaks lose.

The party will go on and everything will end well, but at night they hunt down those who cried or hid in fear.

At night they will creep into the bedroom of these children and they will no longer be those adorable clowns they were earlier. No longer will they have cute faces painted on. These clowns will now have angry looks drawn on their faces. All done with the blood of older victims who didn't smile. Then these clowns will punish those kids who instead cried or coward in fear.

In the morning all that will be found is a dead child lying in his or her bed. Blood will be splattered all around their rooms. They will have a smile left on their dead faces with their teeth nowhere to be found. Their skin pale as pale as the white paint clowns wear on their faces. And their stomach will have been ripped open and empty as their intestines lay next to them spelling the words, "Just Smile."

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