Psychotic Love

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Hey, the names.. oh shit, I forgot. I've changed my name so many times that I don't remember. Let's see here; I was John Carlton, Josh Hare, & George Farley. Then I was also Fred something I forgot the last name I used. I was also Danny Kant & Theodore Barnes. So what is my name this time? Think. Think! THINK!!

Brad Jones, that's it, Brad Jones. I'm Brad Jones from.. from Omaha, Nebraska.. yeah from Nebraska. I'm in Los Angeles, California at the moment though.

I've had to change my name a couple of times now because of.. legal reasons.. & safety reasons. If they knew who I really was I'd be in trouble. I could end up dead if they knew who I really was. So that's why I have to change my name & some other information about me every so often.

A few things about me are still true though. For example I really am 28 years old & the beard I have is real. I let it grow out this time to look a bit different. And.. I think that's it. Wow, is everything else about me fake? I guess I'm not really me anymore..

Anyways, enough about me. I've been in LA for only two weeks & I've already met an awesome girl. She's just amazing. I've only known her for a week, but I already like her very much. She's actually my next door neighbor.

And let me tell you, this girl is amazing. She's gorgeous & smart & you rarely see that anymore so I feel like I've hit the jackpot.

Her name is Angeline, but she prefers to just be called Angel. Wow am I lucky, I've only been in California for two weeks & I've already met an angel.

She's 25, yeah she's three years younger than me, but at this age, how old you are doesn't matter much anymore. She's a nurse at the near hospital. I forgot what the name of the hospital was. But like I said, this girl is smart & she is beautiful. I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend when I see her tomorrow. I invited her to get lunch with me tomorrow & she said yes. I get butterflies thinking about her. I can't wait for tomorrow.

We go out to a local restaurant. She thinks we're here as friends, but she doesn't know that I see this as a date. It takes me a bit, but I finally work up the courage to ask to be my girlfriend as we wait for the waiter to bring our food.

I ask her & she just stares at me for a few seconds. Those few seconds are terrifying. I want to run out of the place because I feel like I made a huge mistake. She's going tp say no & it's going to ruin our friendship. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time & stop myself from asking her.

It was only like five seconds of silence, but they felt like an eternity for me. She finally speaks & says yes. She really said yes! I feel the butterflies in my stomach because I'm really happy.

I feel like jumping out of my chair to celebrate. I don't do that because I want to look cool & I don't want to make a fool out of myself infront of everyone in this restaurant. I especially don't want to make a fool out of myself infront of her & scare her off. Instead I just smile & she smiles back.

We go out a couple of times & after about six months of dating, we decide it's time to make our relationship more serious.

We're not getting married, we're just moving in together. She likes my place better, so she is moving in with me. We want to give this a chance. I plan to ask her to marry me after we've been living together for a while.

It's been four months that we've been living together now. The first two months were awesome, I really thought things would work out. The last two months though.. I can't even tolerate her.

She's so fucking annoying. She's also complaining about everything. She's always blaming me for everything. What a bitch. I think I'm going to have to do it again. It's sucks though, that I've been led to this. I actually thought it would work out. I was also starting to really like this place. I have no choice though, I have to do it again. I have to start over.

Who needs sleep anyways?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ