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What is this muscle called again? It's an easy muscle, but I don't remember! If I was given a list with the names then I could for sure tell you where they are.... Brachioradialis! That's what it is. How could I forget this muscle!? It's so simple. See, it goes from the arm into the forearm on the radial side. I feel so stupid, but the rest of the students in my group can't know. I have to look like I know what I'm doing. They can't know how much this course confuses me sometimes.

We've been working with the cadavers for about a week now, & it's really cool, but the bodies look so much better in the books. Most of the cadavers in the lab are missing their heads, but there are a few that still have the whole head on them. The teachers said it was because the college students didn't dissect those few & it's very unlikely they will do it anytime soon. My group got one of the cadavers with the head still intact. Creepy, right?

The class is made up of many high school students who are looking to pursue careers in the medical field. The students are from many different schools & to make us ,quote unquote, 'meet new people', the teachers put us in groups with students we don't know. I'm really shy, so this is weird for me. I have always struggled with making new friends. I'm the quiet one in my group, I don't talk at all, while the other three are really loud. It seems like they've known each other forever even though they just officially met a week ago. I wish I was like that.. outgoing.

My group is made up of three other guys plus me. First, there's Christian, or Chris how he prefers to be called. He's the smartest in the group. He seems to know where all the muscles are already. He's a quick learner, but he never lets anyone else answer in our group. He already knows where everything is, but he still hogs up the cadaver! I hate him! He's annoying & he thinks he's better than the rest of us just because he picks up on things quicker. I really dislike him... but I wish I was a little more like him.. smart.

Second, there's Joel. He's a tall athletic guy. He seems like he knows what he's talking about, but i'm sure it's all just an act to get on Christian's good side. I really dislike him also. He's also annoying & he usually hogs up the other side of the cadaver. I hate him.. but still.. I wish I was also like him.. athletic.

Finally, there's Jacob. He doesn't talk as much as the other two, but he still talks way more than me. I swear he's always high. He was even saying once that he felt 'alive' when he was high. I don't have much of a problem with him, but I wish I could also feel 'alive'.

The day ends & surprisingly, I've learned a couple of things. I didn't get to see anything up close because like always, Chris & Joel hogged the cadaver, but hearing them & watching them point out the muscles, helped me learn more about there locations & actions.

They say they are going to start a little study group & get together after school on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. I was really surprised when they asked me to join their group, but I accepted because I can learn from their conversations about whatever area we are learning in class.

I am very surprised about how I feel the day of the first exam on a Friday. I feel very confident & feel like I know a lot. Going through the questions, I feel confident about knowing the answers to most of them.

I have to wait for the whole weekend to know if I had the correct answers. The weekend ends & school starts again. They post up the questions on a wall in the lab. To my surprise, I got most of the answers correct. Wow. I feel so great right now.

We don't use the cadavers for a while until we get to the chapter of blood vessels & nerves of the upper body.

I didn't think Anatomy could get any harder. I thought the muscles were hard to learn, but the vessels & nerves are even worse. There's so many names to remember & I get them all confused, luckily I have my little study group to help me, right?

We started learning about the blood vessels & nerves on a Thursday, but we don't have our little study session until the next week. We stay on Tuesday of the next week & it goes great. We got the blood vessels down & plan on doing the nerves the next day.

I don't know what it was about this Wednesday, but the other guys were a bit too hyper. I think it's okay to have a little fun, but these guys are just going crazy today.

Next thing I know, the guys are just messing around, they are no longer studying. I want to tell them to calm down, but I can't build up the courage, so they continue to mess around. Then, "snap", is all I here.

Chris ripped a nerve. He says it was an accident, but the other two just laugh. I just watch as Joel grabs a nerve a rips it. Chris joins in the laughter & now they are all laughing. Stop, I want to say, but I can't, I'm too shy to say it.

Trying to keep the fun going, Jacob grabs another nerve and rips it off the cadaver. You too Jacob? I thought you were different. You seemed cool, but I guess you are just the same. I continue to hear them laugh. They sound just like hyenas.

Chris grabs another nerve & rips it off, but I have had enough of this shit!

I get up from the table & yell, "STOP!" All I hear next is Joel screaming, "What the fuck!? The cadaver just woke up!! Ahhhh!!!!" They start running away from me towards the door, but it's useless because they've woken up the other cadavers also & they are blocking the exits.

They try to fight back, but cadavers grab them & keep them from attacking. I walk to where the tools for dissecting cadavers are kept & find a long pipe. I grab the pipe & walk back to where the three guys are screaming for their lives. I swing back the pipe & knock out Chris first because I always disliked him the most. And look what he did to my nerves! He ripped them! Then I knock out Joel because I never liked him either.

I walk up to Jacob & just stare at him. He is screaming for help & cursing a lot at me. "Fuck you stupid cadaver," he says to me, ".. please let me go." I see a tear run down his face because he knows he's next. Aww, how sweet. He thinks if he cries it might change things.

I tell him, "I thought you were different from those two- but I was wrong." I swing back the pipe & knock him out.

They've seen us cadavers wake up, so I have no choice but to do what I do next. I walk towards where the equipment is kept again, but this time I'm looking for something different .. something more .. deadly.

I found it! I grab the saw & walk back to the lab where there are three teenage boys knocked unconscious. I always wanted to do this to you Chris & Joel & you gave me a reason to. Unfortunately, Jacob has to suffer the same punishment.

I turn on the saw & one by one .. I cut off their heads. With the help of the other cadavers, we take of their skin & dissect them so no one will be suspicious. We clean up the blood & make sure everything looks the way it did earlier.

The other seven cadavers go back to sleep, while I write the teachers a note. The note tells them what happened & that we have new & fresh cadavers we can use for next years class. Tomorrow, the rest of the students will be told that these three boys dropped the course, but we know that's not true. And their parents will be brainwashed to forget completely about their sons.

You see, when this class started, we cadavers made an agreement with the humans. We agreed that they would leave us eight cadavers with our heads still intact. We cadavers would take care of the lab & we would get the new cadavers for each years class, but there's the thing, where would we get the humans? We agreed that the humans, the teachers, would bring us potential future cadavers. Every year we get a fresh new group of students, both in high school & in college, & we cadavers pick who will be next years the cadavers. We usually pick the stupid & immature students who have no respect for us, like Christian, Joel, & Jacob.

I really enjoy turning humans into cadavers. It's just so much fun watching them freak out in their last moments. I also enjoy learning with them, so at the end of every year I wash my brain to forget what I've learned. Well, anyways, good night. I'm going back to sleep. But I will be here, waiting for the next potential cadavers to join the Anatomy class.

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