Silent Vlad

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Tacita Vlad. Et non amplius est homo.

Tacita Vlad. Vendidit animam aeternamque iuventam, anathemate.

Tacita Vlad. Est non est northmanni lamia.

Non erit semen tuum sanguis.

Et non morieris.

Tibi, morte morietur.



Silent Vlad wasn't always known as being silent. In fact, he used to be the opposite.

Many years ago, Silent Vlad was simply known as Vlad. He lived in ancient times where Latin was the main language somewhere in Europe.

He was a very handsome guy with a great voice. He used his voice & looks to get what & whoever he wanted. Women's heart would melt after hearing Vlad's angel-like singing.

The problem was that Vlad only cared about one thing, beauty. He feared that one day his looks would disappear. He feared he would go from being a handsome smooth skinned cucumber, whom everyone liked, to an old wrinkly pickle, whom everyone detested.

He was still fairly young when these thoughts invaded his mind. He was around 25 when he feared for his external beauty.

He did the only thing he believed was the solution. He sold his soul to the Devil in return for eternal youth. His wish was granted, but with a twist.

Vlad became a vampire, but he was different compared to how we view vampires today. He was strange, he was odd, & he lost one of the few things he cared about, his voice. Even more strange, he lost his entire mouth. All that was left was an empty smooth space below his nose. Believe me or not, he was still fairly handsome.. when he covered up the empty space on his face of course.

He didn't entirely lose his mouth though. Instead, it traveled to a new location. It was now on his right hand. It was right in the center of his palm. A new mouth, a silent mouth, with four sharp fangs.

With this curse came a thirst that could only be quenched with human blood. He tried to hold back the urge for human blood, but the thirst was too strong.

He sought after his first victim. A woman with a great talent for singing. One night, as she was walking home alone after a night of singing, Vlad followed after her quietly.

Vlad was too quiet for her to notice him. He creeped up behind her & ... she turned around. She would have screamed, but she was hypnotized by the bright blue eyes on his handsome face. Even as a vampire, Vlad could still use his looks in his advantage.

He pulled down his scarf he was using to cover the space where his mouth should be in an attempt to scare her. The woman opened her mouth to scream, but to both of their surprises, no noise came out. Just silence.

Vlad didn't know it at the moment, but it was due to the curse layed upon him. Anyone who is ten feet from Vlad would go mute for an hour.

Vlad placed his right hand on the woman's neck & drained her from all her blood & left her lifeless. Vlad watched as her lifeless body collapsed to the floor & stared at her for a while. As he stared at her, he started to regret selling his soul. He knew the lady was a great singer & he wished for his voice back. As he thought of this, an idea came to his mind.

He took all of the lady's teeth out of her mouth, cut a straight line in the place where his mouth should be, & put the teeth in his freshly cut wound. This was a very stupid idea he thought. He just scarred his face for nothing & put some gross teeth in there.

To his surprise though, a new mouth formed on his face with the teeth he used.. and his voice returned. He could sing again! The vampire mouth was still on his right palm, but he no longer had an empty space below his nose.

He sang here & there. He sang everywhere. He was satisfied having his voice back & the thirst for blood was quenched.

Alas, it could only last for so long. Two weeks passed & he was left silent again & the thirst for blood returned. Worse, the mouth on his face vanished before his eyes. Again, he was left with an empty smooth space below his nose. And again, the mouth moved to a new location. This time it moved to his stomach, right below the belly button. This mouth though, didn't have a thirst for blood, instead it had a hunger for human flesh.

Vlad now went around looking for victims. Always draining them of their blood, taking their teeth, & feeding the mouths that appeared after two weeks of singing with the human flesh of his victims.

As time went on, he became known as Silent Vlad. People said that if all of the sudden you went mute, it was because he was close. They also believed that if a woman gave birth to a mute baby it was because he had come close to her while pregnant or he attempted to suck her blood at a point in her life.

As more time went on, Silent Vlad collected many teeth & he now has many mouths all over his body. They would appear everywhere, but never on his face or on his left palm. The people even came up with a little saying, it was the one in the beginning.

Silent Vlad is still alive today. He'll be eternally young. He is still as handsome as always, but he now wears a lot of clothing to keep his curse a secret. He always wear a scarf to hide the empty space below his nose, unless he has recently disposed of someone. He always wears long sleeve shirts, pants, & close toed shoes to hide all of his human flesh hungry mouths. And he always at least wear a glove on his right hand to hide his mouth that's thirsty for blood.

He's actually after me. He wants my blood, my human flesh, & he wants a voice again. I very stupidly read that saying the made up years ago, which I now found out, is a curse.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to die. The only way to get him to leave you alone is to get someone else to read that curse & I've made you read it.

He will hunt you down. He will have your blood. He will feed your flesh & everything else to the cannibalistic mouths on his body. He will sing again!

You won't hear him coming. He's silent. Deadly silent.

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