It's A Secret

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Hi there. Can I tell you something? I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you. If I tell you though, you have to promise to keep it a secret. If not, then just stop reading this. So, will you keep it a secret? Will you? ... Say something. Don't just continue reading if you're not going to promise. Promise you'll keep it a secret. Promise! PROMISE!!

You promise? Okay, I'll tell you then. I have been keeping this hidden from everyone. I am not who I act I am. I feel like a put on a mask when I go out and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of not being the real me! I need to tell somebody who I really am, what I'm really like, all the things I've kept to myself. I feel like telling you will lift some of the weight off my shoulders.

Like I've said, I am not who I pretend to be. I have a dark side, I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. I have a dark side that I have kept hidden from my friends and family. And if I ever do bring it up, it's in the form of a joke because I'm afraid they will judge me if they knew me for who I really am.

Okay, enough with that bullshit. I've stalled enough. I should just come out and say it. You promised, so I guess I can trust you.. I hope.

The truth is that I like things that most of society doesn't like. I've done things, seen things, and been involved in things that society would disapprove of. I'm stalling again! ... Sorry, this is just hard for me. I've never told anyone, so it's hard to do.

You see... don't judge me though. Okay, let me go on. I.. just say it! I.. this is so hard to say. I... I enjoy seeing others suffer.

I enjoy seeing blood. I love it even more when I'm the reason for that blood to come out of people. I take joy in hearing people scream in pain. I take thrill in hearing people beg for their lives. I fancy seeing people die. I feel alive when I'm the reason people die! Yes.. I love to kill and murder. It's just exhilarating. Slaying people is what I live for! Seeing people die is like my drug. I get a rush from seeing them take their last breaths in this world.

The problem is that I have no boundaries. I will get rid of anyone, no matter who they are or what they are to me. It doesn't matter if I know them personally or even if we are related. If I'm in the mood to see blood, I will pick somebody, anybody, no matter what they may mean to me. I do it to quench my thirst for blood.

I feel so much better getting that off my chest... but there's more. I haven't killed in a while and I'm starting to get the urge to see blood. I think I may have even picked my victims already.

Like I've said, I have no boundaries..

Lately, I've been wanting to tell my friends about who I really am, about what I like to do for fun, but I don't want to scare them away. So, I've done it by giving them small hints. Hints that won't make them become suspicious of me.

These hints contain things that I have done. Ways that I've gotten rid of people. It also contains ideas for future victims. Like I said, I have no boundaries... I've picked my friends as my next victims.

These hints have come in the form of stories. They think they are just little fun and creepy stories, but no, they are more than that. They are stories containing things that I've done before, sometimes a bit exaggerated, but very close to real ways that I've gotten rid of people.

These stories are also warnings. They are things that I plan to do.. to them. Ways that I plan to kill.

If you haven't guessed by now, this is one of those hints. I'm sorry, but when you promised to keep the real me a secret, it was as if you sold your soul to me. By promising, you allowed me to take your life. There's also no way I can let you go and live life normally when you know my secret. You would for sure turn me into the cops. I cannot allow that! You must die.. now!

Sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself, but you probably know who I am by now. If you don't, then I'll tell you, I'm MoisesTheHuman.

It's too late now to try and get help. I've already planned everything. I have everything ready, the only thing missing is you. You can't run and you surely can't hide. I know where you are and no matter what you do.. there will be blood tonight.

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