Sleeping Beauty

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He hid in the dark behind a bush and under a tree, binoculars in hand, watching as she got undressed. Damn. That body is what dreams are made of, he thought as the young woman took off her dress and walked around her room in nothing but a bra and panties.

"Hi, I'm Nico," he whispered under his breath practicing how he would introduce himself. "No that sounds lame!" He raised his voice, but quickly lowered it when he remembered he was trying to be sneaky. "What up girl? The name's Nico. No! That's worse," he scolded himself.

He continued to watch as she began to unhook her bra moving closer to get a better look through the binoculars, but he missed to see the rock in his way and tripped making the bush make a rustling sound. He quickly moved behind the bush in case she had heard.

Nico held the binoculars in his sweaty palms and watched as the young woman walked up to the window, her arms covering her chest. "Fuck," he whispered angrily to himself as she closed the curtains obscuring his view.

He gently hit himself in the head over and over blaming himself for her closing the curtains. He fucked everything up by not being careful enough. He scared her and his fun had ended early this night.

He laid on the ground staring up at the dark starless sky. The leaves in the tree's branches above him gently waving as the wind blew a nice cool breeze. "Fuck," he sighed. How could he have been so careless tonight? Now he couldn't finish watching as she got ready for bed.

He sighed in disappointment. He loved this girl and the closest thing he ever got to a date with her, were these nights when he watched as she prepared to go to bed. But he just had to go and fuck it up. I just had to move in closer! And it had to be tonight on our six month anniversary.

Nico continued to lay on the ground staring up at the cloudy night sky through the spaces between the leaves of the tree. He sighed imagining what it would be like if they were together. He would do anything and everything to always keep her happy. He smiled as he imagined marrying her and having three children. The smile quickly faded though when he remembered the mistake he had made that night.

A blue light flashed and the sky roared. A pitter patter began to resonate from afar getting closer and closer until Nico began being showered by the rain that poured down from the heavens.

"Fuck," Nico said as he stood up. He stood close to the tree's trunk trying to hide from the rain and looked towards the house. It was dark. All the lights were off. She was asleep already. He turned in the other direction towards where his car was parked a few walking distance minutes away.

No, it's not a good idea, he thought as he looked back at her house. But before his mind could process it, his legs were already taking him towards her house. He ran with his arms over his head to cover himself from the rain that fell from the sky until he reached the front entrance of her house.

Lucky for him, he had seen where she hid the spare key before and he very quietly opened the door and walked inside.

"Wow," he said quietly as he walked into her house for the first time. "This house resembles everything about her - it's beautiful."

He walked slowly in the direction he imagined her room to be, according to where her bedroom window was outdoors. As quietly as he could, Nico walked up the set of stairs, his smile growing bigger and bigger with every step.

Nico finally reached the door he thought led to her bedroom. The door was slightly cracked open and he could see her sleeping body lying on the bed. For a second, he stood outside her bedroom door unsure of what to do. He always wished to officially meet her, but this was just not the way.

Nico considered walking away, but he just had to get a close and personal look of the girl he had only seen through binoculars for the past six months. Just a quick peek, he told himself.

He quietly pushed the door open and walked into her room. He closed his eyes as the aroma of her perfume entered his nose. It was enticing. Nico slowly crept up towards her bed trying not to squeal with excitement. He was finally going to meet her.

He stopped when he stood directly next to her sleeping body. Stunning, he thought as his heart began to pound. She was even more beautiful up and close.

He smiled seeing how her gorgeous pink lips smiled while asleep. Her brunette hair laying in the pillow behind her. Her light skin almost glowing in the dark. She was beautiful in his mind. He only wished he could see the rest of her body which he had seen many times before, but only in his fantasies.

He watched as she slept for minutes. It was exhilarating just to watch her, so much that after a while, he felt a wet sensation in his pants.

How he wished to be able to stare into her green eyes while she stared lovingly back, but he didn't want to wake her because she would become frightened and that's not at all what he wished. He truly loved her and wanted a real relationship with her, so scaring her would only ruin his dreams of being with her. So, after experiencing the rush of watching her sleep for a few minutes, he simply kissed her cheek.

"Until tomorrow night my love," he whispered in her ear. "Someday I'll build the courage to talk to you face to face, but until then, I'll continue to watch you from outside your window, just over there," he pointed out the window as he smiled. "But until then, just rest my sleeping beauty," Nico said, planted another kiss on her soft cheek, and left without her ever noticing him enter her home.

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