A Simple Game

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She opened her eyes to find complete darkness. She felt a pain in her head and she didn't recall where she was. This definitely was not her bedroom though. Her bed was not this hard or cold and her bedroom never got this dark.

She stood up and tried looking around, but all she saw was pitch black. Perhaps this was just a dream, she thought. But everything felt too real to simply be a dream. If it wasn't a dream though then where was she?

Maybe the lights went out and I also fell out of the bed, she thought. But that still didn't explain why it would be this dark. Even if the street lamps went out, the moon's elegant light would still flow in through the window and brighten up the room.

As she stood still wondering where she was, a light from above turned on, and laying on the floor she saw her husband fast asleep. She also got a look at the floor which was concrete and not made of wood like in her room. This place was definitely not her bedroom or her house for that matter. Was she really in a dream then? I mean, it wasn't an impossible thing because some people have lucid dreams where they are conscious. And dreaming seemed to be the only logical reason she could possibly be in wherever this place was.

"Gaaah," her husband groaned as he began to wake up. "What? Where am I!?" He began to panic when he didn't recognize the room he was in.

"I don't know Todd," she said.

He turned around and saw her standing there. "Where are we Floretta?"

"I don't know," she repeated.

"Ugh, my head," he complained.

"Yeah, I feel that same small annoying pain in my head."

"How did we get here?" He asked as he got up.

"Uhm..." she tried thinking back, but the memories were all too hazy, "I can't remember."

"Hmm," he stared down at the floor. "Is this some kind of prank Floretta?" He smiled and looked at her as if looking for a sign that this was all some kind of elaborate prank.


"No."A grainy voice resonated throughout the room.

They both looked around the room looking for the origin of the voice.

"Up here," the grainy voice said as lights turned on illuminating a room behind a giant window where three men stood. They all wore large dark robes and strange masks with big smiles painted on them.

"Who are you!?" Todd yelled at the three men, but they didn't reply.

"What do you want?" Floretta asked.

"We just want to play a game," the voice of one of the three played over the speakers.

This definitely was a dream, well nightmare, she thought. She had recently watched a horror movie with a way too similar plot to what was happening. So, this was all just some horrid dream, right?

"This isn't real," Floretta closed her eyes and repeated over and over again. Todd went over and hugged her because he thought she was having some sort of panic attack.

"Oh... this is real my dear," the words bounced off the walls. She looked up at the window and although she couldn't see their faces, she knew they shared sinister smiles with their masks.

"What is it you want!?" Todd yelled.

"Like I said before...," the man's calm voice played over the speakers, "we want to play a game."

More lights began to turn on and soon the big room Floretta and Todd were in was visible. Before they could say anything, many pillars began to arise from the floor, too many to count with the fear that controlled over Todd's and Floretta's bodies, but there were at least a dozen and they all had some kind of weapon resting a top.

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