Scary Gary

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Oh no! He's coming this way. What do I do? I'm all alone. If he sees me, he won't leave me alone. Maybe he hasn't seen me. Shit, he's waving at me, he has seen me. Maybe I can still avoid him if I start talking to someone, but who? I don't know anyone. He's getting closer. What do I do!? He sees me in this hallway everyday & everyday is the same thing. 'Scary Gary', what everyone calls him, won't leave me alone.

I have no choice. I can't just walk away & pretend my class is here because he knows that my class isn't in this direction. Why did I have to tell him where my class was!? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I can see him, he is getting closer & he's smiling. I hate that smile. It creeps me out & gives me nightmares. He's never done anything wrong, but it's the way he is, & all the rumors I've heard.

People say he always finds new girls every year & does the same thing. He tries to befriend them, but he's very creepy. He always wants a hug & he's always asking about your relationship status. I'm scared of what happens when someone accepts his friendship. It's probably like selling your soul to the devil. I once heard a girl accepted his friendship & that was that. No one ever saw her again. They're just rumors, but with Scary Gary, you never know.

I just wanted to be nice & that's the only reason I'll talk to him, but now he won't leave me alone! He thinks we're friends, but we're not in my book. Every time he sees me he does the same thing.. he creeps me out! "Can I get a hug?" he'll ask. Or, "do you have a boyfriend?" JUST LEAVE ME ALONE SCARY GARY!

I swear I've tried everything so that he will leave me alone. I avoid him, so I don't have to see or talk to him. I pretend I'm talking to another friend, so he won't come up and talk to me. I even made up a couple of boyfriends and girlfriends, but nothing. Scary Gary just won't give up.

He's right infront of me. I don't want to be mean so I say hi to him after he says it to me. "Can I get a hug?" he asks. There he goes asking for a hug. No, you can't have a fucking hug because I don't like you. Why don't you understand that I think you are creepy!?

I wish I would have said that aloud.. why do I have to such a nice person! Instead I say sure because I couldn't find an excuse for why not and I give him the hug.

The minute bell rings & it feels like I've been saved from a weird and awkward conversation with Scary Gary. Why couldn't it have rung before I gave him the hug!? Never mind that, at least the nightmare is over.. for today. I walk to my class and the rest of the day is normal. I don't see Scary Gary again during the school day.

On my way to work after school I'm in a good mood, which is strange because I usually don't want to go to work. Next thing I know, I see him. He's right there.. standing right infront of the building where I work. I start panicking & I don't want to go to work anymore. What do I do? I should just walk away & I'll make up an excuse for being late.

Shit, he's seen me & he's waving at me. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to hear his voice asking for a hug. And I most definitely don't want to see his creepy smile.

I pretend to walk into a building that is close to me and I wait. In a few minutes he's gone, but I'm scared to go because I feel like he will pop out of nowhere like he usually does. I have to get to work, so I have no choice.

I run out the store & run towards my job, hoping he doesn't jump out of a corner & start creeping on me. Luckily I get to my job & I don't see him. I'm safe for today, but tomorrow, I will have to probably see his creepy face again.

This happens for the rest of the school year. I have to put up with Scary Gary almost everyday, except for the days when I manage to avoid him.

Time goes on & it's the last day for seniors. Scary Gary is a senior & I'm filled with joy because I'm a junior. I won't have to see him ever again after today. Finally, the nightmare will end. No more Scary Gary.

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