What if you had the power..

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

I hear a knocking at the front door. I open an eye and see that it's five in the morning on a Sunday, it mustn't be important. I close my eye and attempt to go back to sleep.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

There it is again. If my parents aren't getting it neither am I. I'm going back to sleep. Whoever is knocking is bound to get the message.

Knock. Knock. Knock. It continues.

Blah. Just leave whoever you are!

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Fine. I guess I'm waking up. I lazily get up from bed, and still half asleep, drag my body towards the door where the knocking is coming from.

Who the hell could it be so early in the day? I hope it's not somebody making me try to read the bible. I'm sorry Jesus, but ain't nobody got time for that after staying up so late last night.

I finally get to the front door and open it only to find that whoever was knocking is long gone. I look out the street and it's completely empty. Of course, who would be up at this time on a Sunday, only a complete psychopath, I tell you.

I'm about to close the door when I notice a box on the front porch. Weird, I think. It's Sunday. There's usually no mail today, but okay.

I don't remember ordering anything online lately and I sure as hell know that my parents wouldn't even know how to turn on a computer let alone order something online.

Out of curiosity I check to see who it's for and to my surprise it's for me. I know I haven't ordered anything and I doubt anybody would send me anything just because. I'm sure it's a prank, but I haul in the box anyways.

The box is about the size of two microwaves and I would guess it weighs around thirty pounds. I notice that the label I saw with my name on it is actually an envelope that has been taped on to the top.

When I notice that this box has no return address on it, I'm sure it's a prank, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I rip off the envelope and try to find a clue of who might have sent this, but nothing. Just a plain white envelope with only my name written on it.

Inside the envelope, I find a note with the words, "What if you had the power.."

The power to do what? I think. I look at the back of the note and it's blank. I check to see if there are any signs of words being erased, but nothing. No eraser smudges or any proof that whoever sent this meant to write anything else.

I take the box to my room thinking that this is probably just going to end up being a prank. I place the box on the floor, sit on the edge of my bed, and just stare at the box.

What could the box have? Probably nothing I want. I lay down and close my eyes. I say to myself that I'll open the box later because it's probably nothing important.

I try and fall asleep again, but curiosity begins to invade my mind. I have to open that box. I have to know what that message means. What if I had the power?

I grab some scissors and kneel before the box. I take a deep breath and hope for the best. I mean, what's the worse I can find in this box? Some dog shit someone thought would be funny to send me.

I pierce the tape with the scissors and cut along the line. I take another deep breath and open the box. I find a piece of paper with the words, "What would you do with the power.."

What power!?

I remove the paper only to find tons of miniature dolls. I pick up one that captures my attention. A doll laying perfectly a top of the rest. A wicked smile drawn on his face. A bit terrifying, but it caught my attention as it was the only one looking up while the rest faced down.

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