Skeleton Moon

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As Skeleton Mars crawled over her sleeping body ready to knock her out unconscious with his demon blood, she woke up and stared deep into his red eyes. He immediately became frozen by the sight of her beautiful hypnotic grey eyes that seemed to glow in the dead dark of the room.

"Hi," she spoke softly with a sweet voice.

He remained silent and unable to move. His intention had been to murder her as she laid unconscious, but now that she had woken up, there was something about her that made him ponder his original plans. Normally, if his victims woke up, it wouldn't stop him from killing them, but this girl- she was different.

"My name's Moon," she said, "What's yours?"

She is named after an object in space like me, he thought. And such a beautiful name she has.

"What, you don't speak?" She giggled.

Mars remained silent, unsure of what to do.

"I like your eyes," she said staring intently at his red eyes.

She likes my eyes, he thought feeling surprised.

"I.. I l-l-like your eyes t-t-too," he said stuttering, the words feeling strange as they rolled down his tongue as he hadn't uttered a word in a very long time.

She giggled at the way he spoke. "So, you can talk, huh, red eyes," she said and giggled some more.

He couldn't help, but laugh a little too, which was a strange thing of him. Was he really feeling something for this girl? He wondered. Could he, an immortal monster really feel that weird human feeling- love?

"So, what's your name red eyes?"

"M-Mars," he stuttered, still struggling with getting used to talking again.

"Mars," she repeated and he couldn't help, but to smile.

"Well Mars, could you kindly get off of me please?"

"Oh," he said and clumsily got off from on top of her and stood in the middle the room where the street's night lights came in through the window and made him more visible.

She stared at his skeleton like body while still under her bed sheets. He noticed how she stared at his thin body and moved into the shadow away from the window's illuminating light.

"Now th-th-that you've seen what I-I really look like, I'm shhh-sure you-you think I'm g-g-gross," he said feeling disappointed because he was falling for this girl, but she probably felt different about him.


"You probably t-t-think I'm gross in this sk-k-kinny b-body. Me with my bones that p-p-pierce through my skin, my hairless head, and my g-g-grey skin."

"No," she said quietly.

"Aren't you a-a-afraid of me? The grotesque, t-t-t-thin, skeleton like stranger in your r-room."

"No. Actually-," she said and came up from under her covers and walked towards the windows light. "I feel your pain."

Her body was just like his. She was thin as paper can be. Her skin as pale as the moon itself. Her bones were visible as her skin hugged them very tightly.

Skeleton Mars couldn't help but to stare at her. She was beautiful in his mind, and even better, she wasn't afraid of him.

"You're beautiful," the words escaped from under his tongue.

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