She Was Innocent..

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She was but a young innocent girl.

Oblivious to all the bullshit in this ugly world.

She was as sweet as cheesecake can be.

She would never hurt a fly, let alone a bee.

She wasn't the kind to be influenced by evil.

Instead, she influenced others to see the world and all it's beauty.

She was kind.

She was pretty.

She was young.

She was innocent.

But alas, she had to die once she learned the truth of this horrid world.

Her dad was a drunk and loved to mistreat her mother.

One day he took it too far and punched his wife all the way to another world.

He wasn't done, he wanted to see more pain in another.

He went up to her room with bloody fists ready to murder.

He slammed open the door and began to brutally beat her.

I had to kill the once innocent girl if she wanted to live.

The girl managed to escape and ran down to her kitchen.

Is she wanted to live, I had to kill young Olive.

She reached for the drawer and pulled out a kinfe with a very sharp end.

I killed the young girl, whose eyes no longer innocence shimmered.

Her dad soon came, still looking for pain.

She used up all the energy she had in her.

In the end, he layed in a pool of blood- slain.

Oh, young Olive, I had to kill you.

For you were to sweet in a world full of shit.

All it took was the death of your mother,the near death of you, and a father's dead body..

I, Olive am no longer innocent for I have killed my own father.

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