Chapter 1~ reunions

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Just a quick note, I've never been to Pax so this probably won't be accurate. If you have been there, humour me and just pretend ;P

UncleSlam's POV~

I laugh and shake my head as my best friend, Anthony, pulls me quickly towards the convention center.

"Calm down Chilled!" I yell at the Italian, using his nickname.

"NnnnnnOpe!" He calls back, popping the 'p'.

I laugh at his reaction. Childish as always, Im not sure why I expected different.

Chilled stops abruptly and I smash into him from behind. Confused, I side-step around him and realize we are at the front door. I look over to chilled and smile. We made it. After years of dreaming about this day, we finnaly made it to Pax-Prime! Chilled takes a deep breath before smiling and nodding towards me.

"Ready" he say and pushes open the door. We walk inside. I can't help but let out a gasp as my mouth hangs open in shock. Its even better than I had ever imagined! Fans everywhere, youtubers scattered about, booths for company's and their up coming games! Its was beautiful.

"Excuse me, do you two have passes?"

My gaze snaps back to in front of me and I find a tall security guard standing with his arms crossed. Oh, yeah. I forgot that you needed a pass to get in. I nudge Chilled and he reaches into his backpack, grabbing our passes. The security guard takes them and looks over them, on them it says that we are here for volunteer work. The security guard hands them back to Chilled and turns to the side, pointing straight ahead of us.

"Alright, to find the other volunteers, you wanna walk straight down this way until you pass the Nintendo 3DS booth, then you wanna turn right. From there you just walk straight until you reach the auditorium" He tells us before moving to next people who entered.

Chilled and I begin walking and once we're out of ear shot, Chilled begins laughing hysterically.

"What?" I ask him, chuckling at the man's outburst.

"Di...did you see....see his shoes!?" Chilled asks between laughter, almost doubling over. I cock an eye brow and look over my shoulder. There, I see the security guard, wearing a black suit and tie, black baseball cap and bright yellow Converse. I immediately begin laughing along with my Italian friend.

"Oh my gosh, what was he thinking!?" I say, trying to calm down.

I whip my head back in front of me when I bump into someone. Man, I really need to watch where I'm going. "Sorry-" I start, until I realize who it is. Jack. He looks at me for a moment with a hard glare that would make me flinch if I wasn't used to it. After a minute, he turns on his heels and joggs back the way he came.

"Well, that was fucking weird" chilled says, nudging me and chuckling. I just shake my head.

"Jeez, its been three years and the guy still hates my guts" I mumble.

Chilled gave me a surprised look. "That implies that you don't hate him. After what Jack had Ohm did to you, you'd be insane not to hate them!"

I take a moment to process Chilled's words. Ohm. That name, it sounds and feels so foreign yet comforting at the same time. Just like riding a bike, it only takes a few seconds for it all at come back, the memories I could never forget. All the bullying, all the name calling and teasing. Non of that compared, of course, to that absolutely horrid night. The night of the talent show rushes into my brain. Every event of that night wizzing into my brain. It doesn't matter that it happened over three years ago, I remember each second more vividly than I remember my conversation with Chilled only moment ago.

It was Junior year. I was utterly in love with Ohm. Ohm, of course didn't return these feelings. It didn't take much to realize that the football player wouldn't fall for the gay, computer nerd. Word had spread through the school of my feelings, how the students found out, I'm not sure but somehow, Ohm found out.

Three weeks before the talent show, Ohm followed me out of the school. I was one of the few kids who walked home and I always took the back exit, walking alone. Ohm caught up to me and did something I didn't expect. He asked me out.

Overjoyed by my love returning the feelings, I went to sleep happily.

Fast forward a couple weeks to the morning of the talent show. I got myself ready, practicing the dance i was going to preform over and over, hopping to impress my boyfriend.

Once at the show, ohm took me to a hall with no one in it and kissed me, told me he loved me, and that he couldn't wait for my performance.

Later that night, after the performances, the students were given time to vote. Ohm came and met me back stage, saying that if my group wins anything, I should be the one to go up on stage. My group agreed.

We ended up winning third place, so, I walked onto center stage but, before I was given my medal, Something horrible happened. Ohm had told me to stand in the middle, so I did. Once I stopped, there was a second of silence, then, I felt wet.

I looked down to see that I had been coated in some gooey substance. Then, feathers fell from the ceiling, sticking to me. The audience, my peers, laughed at me.

"Hahaha! Look at that! Gay boy gets what he deserves!!!" I hear jack yell from beside me. I look over to my right and find Jack and Ohm standing there, laughing.

"Why would you let him do this Ohm? You said you loved me" I'm barley able to get the words out and my vision became blurry from the tears I knew were about to fall.

Ohm doesn't speak. Jack smiles and steps forward, close enough to the microphone for the audience to hear him but still facing me. His next few words makes my heart stop and stomach drop.

"You actually thought he loved you!? You're such an idiot. Oh, and by the way, this whole thing? Yeah it was 'your boyfriends' idea."

"AARON!" chilled is yelling in my face. My eyes widen when I look around and find that I'm at Pax, not the talent show. I lift my hand to my face and sure enough, I find wet streams down my cheeks.

"Wow, dude. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you get upset. You zoned out for like five minutes" Chilled says, his eyes full of apology. Five? Wow, felt like longer.

I shake my head. "Its fine. C'mon, let's go do our volenteer work, we're probably late" I tell him as I begin to walk again. Chilled simply nods in agreement and follows close behind me.

It doesn't take us long to find the venteer's and once we do, I almost wish I had stayed home.

"Oh, shit" I hear Chilled mumble as we walk towards the volunteer's.

"What?" I ask, looking at him.

His jaw tightens then he answers. "Don't look now but there's an asshole at 8 o'clock." He says, nodding in a direction. I follow his gaze and I feel like I'm back on that stage, covered in goo and feathers.

There, across the croud of volunteer's, Jack stands with Ohm at his side.


Woop wooopp!! New story!!!

This will be updated every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9pm EST!

If you have any Questions, Comments, Concerns or Contributions, feel free to contact me! I will answer you as soon as I can!!

See ya Thursday! Xoxo~Leah

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