Chapter 8~ Ohm's A Kidnapper?

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Shadow's POV~

I pace the bedroom anxiously. where is he? where is he!


I whirl around and look at my laptop. It had sucsessfully located him. thank god. i cross the room and look at the screen. It displays a map and on the map i see a small blue dot sitting in the parking lot of a coffee joint. I smile to myself, thankful that my little boy didn't get too far. We can't have him ruining the plan by going somewhere before Pax ends now can we?

Ohm is at his hotel room, probably quite smug, happy that he got Aaron. Not for long though. My little Aaron will leave Ohm in a heart beat by the time I'm done.

"dude! are you coming to meet the fans or not?" a voice calls to me from the hallway. Many youtubers are having meet ups today.

"Just a sec!" i call back. I quickly type a few things into my laptop and send the map to my phone. I can now watch my little lovely from my phone. I chuckle to myself. If only Aaron knew how truthful the name he gave me was.

Aaron's POV~

I shake my head after revewing the text shadow sent me. I trust Ohm and that's that. I hop out of my car and walk across the parking lot. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I enter the coffee joint and join the line of people. A coffee. I'll have a coffee and then i'll go to Pax. If i run into Adam and our friends then i'll just have to apologize.

"next!" a soft voice calls out. I smile at the lady and step forward. "what can I get for you today?" she asks pollitely.

"umm, could I get a large double-double please?" I ask her. (In case you don't use that where you're from, that means a Large regular coffee with two creams and two sugars...It's a canadian thing)

"We have a deal on currently, with any large coffe, you get a free pastrey" she simles at me, gesturing to the patrey counter.

"um, well, i'll get a Cinnamon bun then please" the girl nods and types it into the cash registor. That can be my peace offering with Adam, he loves cinnamon buns from here.

Chilled's POV~

I glance over at Adam once more. He bounces his leg and checks his phone every few seconds.

"Slam knows the area well. We grew up here, he'll be fine. I bet you he's trying to find some pistachios as a peace offering" I try to calm down the anxious man.

"Here we are!" The cab driver announces. I smile kindly and pay for our ride. Why did Aaron have to take my car? We step out side and look around. Today is our meet up with fans, many of our friends said they might join in.

"What took you guys so long?" I hear a female call out. I smile and wirl around to face my British buddy.

"Minx!" I calk out, running towards her. She jogs forward and hugs me tight, just as she does every time we meet up.

"And krisim! Don't forget Krisim!"

I turn to my left and hug Krisim.
"Of course not. I'd never forget Krism."

"Aaron! Thank God!" Adam yells from behind me. I quickly release krisim and turn around to see Nanners holding our friend tight.

"He was worried sick about you!" Ze calls out. I turn and see Ze, Max and Renèe (is her name spelt right now?? :o) getting out of a taxi.

I watch as Aaron pulls out a small paper bag with a pastry inside. "I'm sorry I ran off" he says quietly while handing the bag to Adam. Adam turns to me, smiling.

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